История изменений
Исправление KennyMinigun, (текущая версия) :
А они шутники :)
Исправление KennyMinigun, :
Why is Opera the only browser that looks correct on my HiDPI monitor?
OK. Nobody asked this! However, Opera does have the best HiDPI support of major Linux browsers, as many, different users have noticed.
The real answer is that we gave HiDPI notebooks to all developers working on the Linux UI, to make sure everything looked just right.
Исходная версия KennyMinigun, :
О они шутники :)
Why is Opera the only browser that looks correct on my HiDPI monitor?
OK. Nobody asked this! However, Opera does have the best HiDPI support of major Linux browsers, as many, different users have noticed.
The real answer is that we gave HiDPI notebooks to all developers working on the Linux UI, to make sure everything looked just right.[.quote]