История изменений
Исправление quantum-troll, (текущая версия) :
There has been a weird tension at least since I started following the mailing list I distinctly remember a post /u/strncat made advocating the use of native threads and getting rid of the dependency on libuv somewhere around 0.5 or 0.6...
Раст стал таким плюсовым не без участия strcat'а. Который, напомню, даже не мозилловец.
Исходная версия quantum-troll, :
There has been a weird tension at least since I started following the mailing list I distinctly remember a post /u/strncat made advocating the use of native threads and getting rid of the dependency on libuv somewhere around 0.5 or 0.6...
Раст стал плюсовым не без участия strcat'а. Который, напомню, даже не мозилловец.