История изменений

Исправление MozillaFirefox, (текущая версия) :


HTTPS DNS records can now be resolved using the operating system's DNS resolver on Windows 11, Linux, and Android 10+. This ensures that DNS over HTTPS (DoH) will be used if a user has enabled it on the device, even if it is not enabled in the browser. This feature allows the use of HTTP/3 without needing to use the Alt-Svc header and enables automatic upgrade of HTTP requests to HTTPS when the HTTPS DNS record is present. Most importantly, it now allows the use of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) privacy feature even when DoH is only enabled on the device, not in the browser

Мысль тут только одна: если раньше для работы всех перечисленных вещей нужно было иметь включённый DoH в браузере, то теперь можно его в браузере не включать, а включить в ОС.

Исходная версия MozillaFirefox, :


HTTPS DNS records can now be resolved using the operating system's DNS resolver on Windows 11, Linux, and Android 10+. This ensures that DNS over HTTPS (DoH) will be used if a user has enabled it on the device, even if it is not enabled in the browser. This feature allows the use of HTTP/3 without needing to use the Alt-Svc header and enables automatic upgrade of HTTP requests to HTTPS when the HTTPS DNS record is present. Most importantly, it now allows the use of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) privacy feature even when DoH is only enabled on the device, not in the browser