История изменений
Исправление AP, (текущая версия) :
@rgareus, do you think supersampling is an adequate synonym for superclock?
rgareus: @prokoudine, no, ardour still samples at the device sample-rate. there is no interpolation
Ну чё-то возражают.
P.S. «@prokoudine: „sample-rate independent, rational high-precision timeline granularity“ might work.»
Так точно лучше? :)
Исправление AP, :
@rgareus, do you think supersampling is an adequate synonym for superclock?
rgareus: @prokoudine, no, ardour still samples at the device sample-rate. there is no interpolation
Ну чё-то возражают.
Исходная версия AP, :
@rgareus, do you think supersampling is an adequate synonym for
rgareus: @prokoudine, no, ardour still samples at the device sample-rate. there is no interpolation
Ну чё-то возражают.