История изменений

Исправление monk, (текущая версия) :

Если он может примерно сказать, что делает кусок кода на тестируемом языке, значит это годнота.

ОК. Сравним два куска кода:

revstr :: String -> String
revstr = unwords . reverse . words -- point-free style
--revstr s = unwords (reverse (words s))
revtext :: String -> String
revtext = unlines . map revstr . lines -- applies revstr to each line independently
test = revtext "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\
        \fire, in end will world the say Some\n\
        \ice. in say Some\n\
        \desire of tasted I've what From\n\
        \fire. favor who those with hold I\n\
        \... elided paragraph last ...\n\
        \Frost Robert -----------------------\n" --multiline string notation requires \ at end and start of lines, and \n to be manually input

main = print $ revtext test


#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
//code for a C++11 compliant compiler
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
void block_reverse_cpp11(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, T const& separator) {
   std::reverse(first, last);
   auto block_last = first;
   do {
      using std::placeholders::_1;
      auto block_first = std::find_if_not(block_last, last, 
         std::bind(std::equal_to<T>(),_1, separator));
      block_last = std::find(block_first, last, separator);
      std::reverse(block_first, block_last);
   } while(block_last != last);
//code for a C++03 compliant compiler
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
void block_reverse_cpp03(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, T const& separator) {
   std::reverse(first, last);
   BidirectionalIterator block_last = first;
   do {
      BidirectionalIterator block_first = std::find_if(block_last, last, 
         std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<T>(), separator));
      block_last = std::find(block_first, last, separator);
      std::reverse(block_first, block_last);
   } while(block_last != last);
int main() {
   std::string str1[] = 
        "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
        "fire, in end will world the say Some",
        "ice. in say Some",
        "desire of tasted I've what From",
        "fire. favor who those with hold I",
        "... elided paragraph last ...",
        "Frost Robert -----------------------"
   std::for_each(begin(str1), end(str1), [](std::string& s){
      block_reverse_cpp11(begin(s), end(s), ' ');
      std::cout << s << std::endl;
   std::for_each(begin(str1), end(str1), [](std::string& s){
      block_reverse_cpp03(begin(s), end(s), ' ');
      std::cout << s << std::endl;
   return 0;

P.S. Оба примера делают одно и то же и взяты с Rosettacode.

Исходная версия monk, :

Если он может примерно сказать, что делает кусок кода на тестируемом языке, значит это годнота.

ОК. Сравним два куска кода:

revstr :: String -> String
revstr = unwords . reverse . words -- point-free style
--revstr s = unwords (reverse (words s))
revtext :: String -> String
revtext = unlines . map revstr . lines -- applies revstr to each line independently
test = revtext "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\
        \fire, in end will world the say Some\n\
        \ice. in say Some\n\
        \desire of tasted I've what From\n\
        \fire. favor who those with hold I\n\
        \... elided paragraph last ...\n\
        \Frost Robert -----------------------\n" --multiline string notation requires \ at end and start of lines, and \n to be manually input

main = print $ revtext test


#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
//code for a C++11 compliant compiler
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
void block_reverse_cpp11(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, T const& separator) {
   std::reverse(first, last);
   auto block_last = first;
   do {
      using std::placeholders::_1;
      auto block_first = std::find_if_not(block_last, last, 
         std::bind(std::equal_to<T>(),_1, separator));
      block_last = std::find(block_first, last, separator);
      std::reverse(block_first, block_last);
   } while(block_last != last);
//code for a C++03 compliant compiler
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
void block_reverse_cpp03(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, T const& separator) {
   std::reverse(first, last);
   BidirectionalIterator block_last = first;
   do {
      BidirectionalIterator block_first = std::find_if(block_last, last, 
         std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<T>(), separator));
      block_last = std::find(block_first, last, separator);
      std::reverse(block_first, block_last);
   } while(block_last != last);
int main() {
   std::string str1[] = 
        "---------- Ice and Fire ------------",
        "fire, in end will world the say Some",
        "ice. in say Some",
        "desire of tasted I've what From",
        "fire. favor who those with hold I",
        "... elided paragraph last ...",
        "Frost Robert -----------------------"
   std::for_each(begin(str1), end(str1), [](std::string& s){
      block_reverse_cpp11(begin(s), end(s), ' ');
      std::cout << s << std::endl;
   std::for_each(begin(str1), end(str1), [](std::string& s){
      block_reverse_cpp03(begin(s), end(s), ' ');
      std::cout << s << std::endl;
   return 0;