История изменений
Исправление fornlr, (текущая версия) :
У них нет на это ресурсов.
Олсо, ещё в 2015 году под крылом Canonical
https://plus.google.com/ MartinPitti/posts/BXJe2WvQHAB
I started looking again into systemd-ifying Ubuntu Touch, after the first wave of porting that happened last fall (but only with the emulator). I installed systemd-sysv on my Nexus 4 (running Ubuntu Touch devel-proposed), and after two fairly simple fixes I now have enough stuff running to get unity8, mobile 3G data, telephony, and adb/phablet-shell.
I don't see large blockers with running systemd on the old 3.4 kernel; we don't use firmware loading there, and even if we do need it for some reason it's easy to put that back into an udev rule and helper.
It mostly seems to be an issue of porting our forest of upstart jobs now, and figuring out how to drop the need for the upstart system bridges.
Поэтому выше правильно написали. Про systemd и sailfish.
Исправление fornlr, :
У них нет на это ресурсов.
Олсо, ещё в 2015 году под крылом Canonical
https://plus.google.com/ MartinPitti/posts/BXJe2WvQHAB
I started looking again into systemd-ifying Ubuntu Touch, after the first wave of porting that happened last fall (but only with the emulator). I installed systemd-sysv on my Nexus 4 (running Ubuntu Touch devel-proposed), and after two fairly simple fixes I now have enough stuff running to get unity8, mobile 3G data, telephony, and adb/phablet-shell.
I don't see large blockers with running systemd on the old 3.4 kernel; we don't use firmware loading there, and even if we do need it for some reason it's easy to put that back into an udev rule and helper.
It mostly seems to be an issue of porting our forest of upstart jobs now, and figuring out how to drop the need for the upstart system bridges.
Исходная версия fornlr, :
У них нет на это ресурсов.
Олсо, ещё в 2015 году под крылом Canonical
https://plus.google.com/ MartinPitti/posts/BXJe2WvQHAB
I started looking again into systemd-ifying Ubuntu Touch, after the first wave of porting that happened last fall (but only with the emulator). I installed systemd-sysv on my Nexus 4 (running Ubuntu Touch devel-proposed), and after two fairly simple fixes I now have enough stuff running to get unity8, mobile 3G data, telephony, and adb/phablet-shell.
I don't see large blockers with running systemd on the old 3.4 kernel; we don't use firmware loading there, and even if we do need it for some reason it's easy to put that back into an udev rule and helper.
It mostly seems to be an issue of porting our forest of upstart jobs now, and figuring out how to drop the need for the upstart system bridges.