История изменений

Исправление Odalist, (текущая версия) :

Вот отчет по их дейтельности:

Recent activity:

* We had two emails brought to our attention, with parties concerned about the language used in them. In both cases we decided to not respond, as others on the lists had done so themselves. Thank you for being proactive and contributing to making Debian a better community! * We were requested to advice on the appropriateness of a certain package in the Debian archive. Our decision resulted in the package pending removal from the archive. * We received one piece of harassing email directed at us. We took no action on this. * We were contacted about inappropriate use of language on Planet Debian. The blog in question has been removed. * We were asked for opinion on disciplinary action against a Debian Developer, and we presented our view of the issue to DAM. * We are in touch with DAM about a case of persistent problematic communication and harassment. * We also fielded several questions from people looking for advice on the best course of action for them to take in a variety of situations.

Короче, цензура так и прет. Также они хотят сменить имя, прикидываясь лучшими друзьями:

We're looking to change our name! We want you to know that that we're your friendly neighbourhood team here to help Debian be the welcoming community we all want it to be. Please send any suggestions to, and hopefully by the next email we'll have an exciting, clearer name.

Исходная версия Odalist, :

Вот отчет по их дейтельности:

Recent activity:

* We had two emails brought to our attention, with parties concerned about the language used in them. In both cases we decided to not respond, as others on the lists had done so themselves. Thank you for being proactive and contributing to making Debian a better community! * We were requested to advice on the appropriateness of a certain package in the Debian archive. Our decision resulted in the package pending removal from the archive. * We received one piece of harassing email directed at us. We took no action on this. * We were contacted about inappropriate use of language on Planet Debian. The blog in question has been removed. * We were asked for opinion on disciplinary action against a Debian Developer, and we presented our view of the issue to DAM. * We are in touch with DAM about a case of persistent problematic communication and harassment. * We also fielded several questions from people looking for advice on the best course of action for them to take in a variety of situations.

Короче, цензура так и прет. Также они хотят сменить имя:

We're looking to change our name! We want you to know that that we're your friendly neighbourhood team here to help Debian be the welcoming community we all want it to be. Please send any suggestions to, and hopefully by the next email we'll have an exciting, clearer name.