История изменений
Исправление steemandlinux, (текущая версия) :
Например вот так, но после обновлений питона это стало неактуальным:
Facebook’s Tornado includes an eventloop for handing poll events on filedescriptors and native sockets. We have included a small part of Tornado (specifically its ioloop), and adapted its IOStream class into ZMQStream for handling poll events on ØMQ sockets. A ZMQStream object works much like a Socket object, but instead of calling recv() directly, you register a callback with on_recv(). Callbacks can also be registered for send events with on_send().
Его совсем со standalone веб-серверами сравнивать нельзя. Это более низкоуровневая библиотека.
Исправление steemandlinux, :
Например вот так, но после обновлений питона это стало неактуальным:
Facebook’s Tornado includes an eventloop for handing poll events on filedescriptors and native sockets. We have included a small part of Tornado (specifically its ioloop), and adapted its IOStream class into ZMQStream for handling poll events on ØMQ sockets. A ZMQStream object works much like a Socket object, but instead of calling recv() directly, you register a callback with on_recv(). Callbacks can also be registered for send events with on_send().
Его совсем со standalone веб-серверами сравнивать нельзя.
Исходная версия steemandlinux, :
Например вот так, но после обновлений питона это стало неактуальным:
Facebook’s Tornado includes an eventloop for handing poll events on filedescriptors and native sockets. We have included a small part of Tornado (specifically its ioloop), and adapted its IOStream class into ZMQStream for handling poll events on ØMQ sockets. A ZMQStream object works much like a Socket object, but instead of calling recv() directly, you register a callback with on_recv(). Callbacks can also be registered for send events with on_send().