История изменений
(текущая версия)
««A designer that volunteered her time for FOSS used the industry standard application for her design work» ftfy»
«hmm isnt Quark the industry standard?»
«Thank you,
@ranjithsiji, for volunteering to work on the 2019 Gnome Annual Report.», «Can’t get blamed if you don’t contribute anything.»
«I don’t care if a Linux contributor uses Windows, that’s their prerogative and I’d much rather support them since they take the time to help us!»
«Sometimes, People chose to be using free software because doesn’t want dealing with buy license. If volunteer using MS Office, and it is legal, why not?»
Это все ответы на критику использования GNOME Foundation Windows для создания отчёта.
И это часть проекта GNU… Или уже нет?
««A designer that volunteered her time for FOSS used the industry standard application for her design work» ftfy»
«hmm isnt Quark the industry standard?»
«Thank you,
@ranjithsiji, for volunteering to work on the 2019 Gnome Annual Report.», «Can’t get blamed if you don’t contribute anything.»
«I don’t care if a Linux contributor uses Windows, that’s their prerogative and I’d much rather support them since they take the time to help us!»
«Sometimes, People chose to be using free software because doesn’t want dealing with buy license. If volunteer using MS Office, and it is legal, why not?»
Это все ответы на критику использования GNOME Foundation Windows для создания отчёта.
И это (GNOME) часть проекта GNU… Или уже нет?
««A designer that volunteered her time for FOSS used the industry standard application for her design work» ftfy»
«hmm isnt Quark the industry standard?»
«Thank you,
@ranjithsiji, for volunteering to work on the 2019 Gnome Annual Report.», «Can’t get blamed if you don’t contribute anything.»
«I don’t care if a Linux contributor uses Windows, that’s their prerogative and I’d much rather support them since they take the time to help us!»
«Sometimes, People chose to be using free software because doesn’t want dealing with buy license. If volunteer using MS Office, and it is legal, why not?»
И это (GNOME) часть проекта GNU… Или уже нет?
««A designer that volunteered her time for FOSS used the industry standard application for her design work» ftfy» «hmm isnt Quark the industry standard?» «Thank you,
@ranjithsiji, for volunteering to work on the 2019 Gnome Annual Report.», «Can’t get blamed if you don’t contribute anything.» «I don’t care if a Linux contributor uses Windows, that’s their prerogative and I’d much rather support them since they take the time to help us!» «Sometimes, People chose to be using free software because doesn’t want dealing with buy license. If volunteer using MS Office, and it is legal, why not?»
И это (GNOME) часть проекта GNU… Или уже нет?
И это (GNOME) часть проекта GNU… Или уже нет?
Исходная версия