История изменений

Исправление dataman, (текущая версия) :

А так выглядит форматирование в strf:

#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <strf/locale.hpp> // strf::locale_numpunct

void numeric_punctuation()
    // German punctuation
    auto s = strf::to_string.with(strf::numpunct_de_DE) (!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
    assert(s == "1.000.000,5");

    // You have to use format function `strf::punct` or `.punct()`
    // or operator! to apply punctuation
    s = strf::to_string.with(strf::numpunct_de_DE)
        ( !strf::fixed(1000000.5), "  ", strf::fixed(1000000.5)
        , "  ", strf::punct(10000), "  ", 100000 );
    assert(s == "1.000.000,5  1000000.5  10.000  100000");

    // Extracting punctuation from locale
    if (setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "as_IN")) {
        auto loc_punct = strf::locale_numpunct(); // provided by header <strf/locale.hpp>
        auto s_loc = strf::to_string.with(loc_punct) (*!strf::fixed(1e+16));
        assert(s_loc == "10,00,00,00,00,00,00,000.");

    // Manually specifing a punctuation
    constexpr auto my_fancy_punct = strf::numpunct<10>(3)
        .decimal_point(U'⎖'); // U+2396
    auto s2 = strf::to_u8string.with(my_fancy_punct) (!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
    assert(s2 == u8"1•000•000⎖5");

    // With variable grouping
    constexpr auto my_fancy_punct_2 = strf::numpunct<10>(3, 2, 1)
    auto s3 = strf::to_u8string.with(my_fancy_punct_2)
    assert(s3 == u8"1•0•0•00•000⎖125");

    // Non-decimal bases
    constexpr auto my_hex_punct = strf::numpunct<16>(4).thousands_sep('\'');
    auto s4 = strf::to_string.with(my_hex_punct)(!strf::hex(0xFFFFFFF));
    assert(s4 == "fff'ffff");

void ranges()
    int array[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};

    // Basic
    auto str = strf::to_string( "--[", strf::range(array), "]--");
    assert(str == "--[10203040]--");

    // With separator
    str = strf::to_string( "--[", strf::separated_range(array, " / "), "]--");
    assert(str == "--[10 / 20 / 30 / 40]--");

    // With separator and formatting
    str = strf::to_string( "--["
                         , *strf::hex(strf::separated_range(array, " / ")).p(4)
                         , "]--");
    assert(str == "--[0x000a / 0x0014 / 0x001e / 0x0028]--");

    // Transforming the elements
    auto func = [](int x){ return strf::join('<', strf::pad0(x, 4), '>'); };

    str = strf::to_string(strf::range(array, func));
    assert(str == "<0010><0020><0030><0040>");

    str = strf::to_string(strf::separated_range(array, " ", func));
    assert(str == "<0010> <0020> <0030> <0040>");

Исходная версия dataman, :

А так выглядит форматирование в strf:

#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <strf/locale.hpp> // strf::locale_numpunct

void numeric_punctuation()
    // German punctuation
    auto s = strf::to_string.with(strf::numpunct_de_DE) (!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
    assert(s == "1.000.000,5");

    // You have to use format function `strf::punct` or `.punct()`
    // or operator! to apply punctuation
    s = strf::to_string.with(strf::numpunct_de_DE)
        ( !strf::fixed(1000000.5), "  ", strf::fixed(1000000.5)
        , "  ", strf::punct(10000), "  ", 100000 );
    assert(s == "1.000.000,5  1000000.5  10.000  100000");

    // Extracting punctuation from locale
    if (setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "as_IN")) {
        auto loc_punct = strf::locale_numpunct(); // provided by header <strf/locale.hpp>
        auto s_loc = strf::to_string.with(loc_punct) (*!strf::fixed(1e+16));
        assert(s_loc == "10,00,00,00,00,00,00,000.");

    // Manually specifing a punctuation
    constexpr auto my_fancy_punct = strf::numpunct<10>(3)
        .decimal_point(U'⎖'); // U+2396
    auto s2 = strf::to_u8string.with(my_fancy_punct) (!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
    assert(s2 == u8"1•000•000⎖5");

    // With variable grouping
    constexpr auto my_fancy_punct_2 = strf::numpunct<10>(3, 2, 1)
    auto s3 = strf::to_u8string.with(my_fancy_punct_2)
    assert(s3 == u8"1•0•0•00•000⎖125");

    // Non-decimal bases
    constexpr auto my_hex_punct = strf::numpunct<16>(4).thousands_sep('\'');
    auto s4 = strf::to_string.with(my_hex_punct)(!strf::hex(0xFFFFFFF));
    assert(s4 == "fff'ffff");