История изменений
Исправление thesis, (текущая версия) :
А так, например, Google и Apple используют XMPP для доставки пуш-уведомлений на девайсы.
Вот это оно?
Caution: Sending messages (including upstream messages) with the FCM XMPP and HTTP legacy APIs was deprecated on June 20, 2023, and will be removed in June 2024.
Apps using the deprecated FCM legacy APIs for HTTP and XMPP should migrate to the HTTP v1 API at the earliest opportunity.
Исходная версия thesis, :
А так, например, Google и Apple используют XMPP для доставки пуш-уведомлений на девайсы.
Вот это оно?
Caution: Sending messages (including upstream messages) with the FCM XMPP and HTTP legacy APIs was deprecated on June 20, 2023, and will be removed in June 2024.
Apps using the deprecated FCM legacy APIs for HTTP and XMPP should migrate to the HTTP v1 API at the earliest opportunity.