История изменений

Исправление Mitre, (текущая версия) :

It is vastly superior to the old CFF engine, and it will replace it in the next release. Right now, it is still off by default, and you have to explicitly select it using the new `hinting-engine' property of the cff driver:

#include FT_MODULE_H
#include FT_CFF_DRIVER_H 
FT_Library library; 
int engine = FT_CFF_HINTING_ADOBE; 
FT_Property_Set( library, "cff", "hinting-engine", &engine );

The code has a (mature) beta status; we encourage all users to test it and report any problems. In case you want to activate the new CFF engine unconditionally, apply this patch:


Может, добавить в новость то, что этот движок ещё и включить нужно?

Исходная версия Mitre, :

It is vastly superior to the old CFF engine, and it will replace it in the next release. Right now, it is still off by default, and you have to explicitly select it using the new `hinting-engine' property of the cff driver:

#include FT_MODULE_H
#include FT_CFF_DRIVER_H 
FT_Library library; 
int engine = FT_CFF_HINTING_ADOBE; 
FT_Property_Set( library, "cff", "hinting-engine", &engine );

The code has a (mature) beta status; we encourage all users to test it and report any problems. In case you want to activate the new CFF engine unconditionally, apply this patch:


Может, добавить это в новость?