История изменений
Исправление araks, (текущая версия) :
4.2, во всей его полноте и красоте
Всё, прекращай. Я только и слышу - «Перестань нести чушь.», «Это полная чушь». У всех есть интернет, все могут прямо сейчас вбить в поиск «centos backporting security» и найти все пруфы.
Вот, например: https://centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=62073
why are the recently announced updates for CentOS 6 x86_64 so delayed? … I can see they are announced on the CentOS-CR-announce mailing list. But I can’t install them with ‘yum update’ command and I can’t see them in updates repository
И в ответ получает
Because they are part of the next point release and content for that is pending creation and testing of the iso images. This is why the CR repo exists in the first place.
CR, ага. Читаем дальше: https://centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=71496
There currently seem to be a number of patched packages that RedHat have published that haven’t had corresponding CentOS 7 packages build/released yet. Does anybody know what the delay is in building/publishing these updated packages?
На что ему отвечают:
These are probably part of RHEL 7.7, and will be included in CentOS 7.7 when it becomes available
А когда он резонно замечает
suggested that security fixes will be published between 24 and 72 hours after the upstream fixes are released
его отшивают
The examples you posted are a small fraction of 7.7 updates, and all the 7.7 updates will need to be published at the same time
и вообще
And since they are all released together, they have to be built together and in the correct order … That makes it pretty much impossible to cherrypick individual packages out of that mess for early release.
Энтерпрайз во все поля.
Исходная версия araks, :
4.2, во всей его полноте и красоте
Всё, прекращай. Я только и слышу - «Перестань нести чушь.», «Это полная чушь». У всех есть интернет, все могут прямо сейчас вбить в поиск «centos backporting security» и найти все пруфы.
why are the recently announced updates for CentOS 6 x86_64 so delayed? … I can see they are announced on the CentOS-CR-announce mailing list. But I can’t install them with ‘yum update’ command and I can’t see them in updates repository
И в ответ получает
Because they are part of the next point release and content for that is pending creation and testing of the iso images. This is why the CR repo exists in the first place.
CR, ага. https://centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=71496
There currently seem to be a number of patched packages that RedHat have published that haven’t had corresponding CentOS 7 packages build/released yet. Does anybody know what the delay is in building/publishing these updated packages?
На что ему отвечают:
These are probably part of RHEL 7.7, and will be included in CentOS 7.7 when it becomes available
А когда он резонно замечает
suggested that security fixes will be published between 24 and 72 hours after the upstream fixes are released
его отшивают
The examples you posted are a small fraction of 7.7 updates, and all the 7.7 updates will need to be published at the same time
и вообще
And since they are all released together, they have to be built together and in the correct order … That makes it pretty much impossible to cherrypick individual packages out of that mess for early release.
Энтерпрайз во все поля.