История изменений
Исправление AP, (текущая версия) :
За историей с хуавеем особо не следил. Что касается второго:
SAP software products and services are subject to the export control and sanctions laws of various countries, including without limitation, the laws of Germany, the European Union, and the United States of America.
Additionally, transactions with or related to certain destinations that pose an elevated export control or sanctions risk for SAP are subject to enhanced due diligence requirements, which may include authorization from the competent authorities.
Да, это в том числе удобная формулировка, за которую можно спрятаться от бывших клиентов, чтобы при этом не быть поиметым у себя на родине.
Исходная версия AP, :
За историей с хуавеем особо не следил. Что касается второго:
SAP software products and services are subject to the export control and sanctions laws of various countries, including without limitation, the laws of Germany, the European Union, and the United States of America.
Additionally, transactions with or related to certain destinations that pose an elevated export control or sanctions risk for SAP are subject to enhanced due diligence requirements, which may include authorization from the competent authorities.