История изменений
Исправление Manhunt, (текущая версия) :
Кстати, раз уж у нас тут какерский тред, могу порекомендовать свежее пендосское кинцо про какеров: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackhat_(film) . На удивление прилично сделано.
Film school, Michael Mann said he was inspired to make Blackhat after reading about the events surrounding Stuxnet, which was a computer worm that targeted and reportedly ruined almost one fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges. In keeping with his high standard for authenticity, Mann brought in several technical advisors and consultants like former hackers Christopher McKinley and Kevin Poulsen (senior editor for Wired News), to make the film as authentic as possible. McKinley was famous for hacking into the online dating site, OkCupid, in order to make his profile the most attractive to women. Director Mann also met with Mike Rogers, who was Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence until 2015. Parisa Tabriz, who manages Google's information security engineering team, said that «It's the most accurate information security film I've seen.»
Исходная версия Manhunt, :
Кстати, раз уж у нас тут какерский тред, могу порекомендовать свежее пендосское кинцо про какеров: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackhat_(film) . На удивление прилично сделано.