История изменений
Исправление splinter, (текущая версия) :
Офигеть, Пат еще и clang в дистрибутив запихал. Кстати он предлагает купить футболки со слакой и встретить в них конец света 2012 года :-)
If you're looking for something stylish to wear for the end-of-the-world celebration coming up in December, be sure to check out our new Mayan themed Slackware 14.0 T-shirts! And we still have some 13.37 shirts left, too, because leet never goes out of style. Thanks to our subscribers and supporters for keeping Slackware going all these years.
Исходная версия splinter, :
Офигеть, Пат еще и clang в дистрибутив запихал. Кстати он предлагает купить футболки со слакорй и встретить в них конец света 2012 года :-)
If you're looking for something stylish to wear for the end-of-the-world celebration coming up in December, be sure to check out our new Mayan themed Slackware 14.0 T-shirts! And we still have some 13.37 shirts left, too, because leet never goes out of style. Thanks to our subscribers and supporters for keeping Slackware going all these years.