История изменений

Исправление CrX, (текущая версия) :

Убыточными — да. А вот безнадёжно — это вряд ли. Таков, вероятно и был план. Ну а очень долго — понятие растяжимое.

In a Guardian interview in May 2008, Shuttleworth said that Canonical’s business model was service provision and that Canonical was not yet close to profitability. Canonical stated that it would wait three to five years to become profitable. Shuttleworth regarded Canonical as positioning itself as demand for services related to free software rose. This strategy has been compared to Red Hat’s business strategies in the 1990s.[21] In an early-2009 New York Times article, Shuttleworth said that Canonical’s revenue was «creeping» towards US$30 million, the company’s break-even point.[22]

Canonical achieved a small operating profit of $281,000 in 2009, but until 2017 struggled to maintain financial solvency and took a major financial hit from the development of Unity and Ubuntu Touch, leading to an operating loss of $21.6 million for the fiscal year 2013.[

Исходная версия CrX, :

Убыточными — да. А вот безнадёжно — это вряд ли. Таков, вероятно и был план. Ну а очень долго — понятие растяжимое.

In a Guardian interview in May 2008, Shuttleworth said that Canonical’s business model was service provision and that Canonical was not yet close to profitability. Canonical stated that it would wait three to five years to become profitable. Shuttleworth regarded Canonical as positioning itself as demand for services related to free software rose. This strategy has been compared to Red Hat’s business strategies in the 1990s.[21] In an early-2009 New York Times article, Shuttleworth said that Canonical’s revenue was «creeping» towards US$30 million, the company’s break-even point.[22]