Сообщения Dimok


помогите по SSH

Форум — Admin

есть comp1 и comp2 ssh 3.2.3

необходимо чтобы comp2 заходил на comp1 и запускал там прогу...

делал key-gen -P (без passphrase) все равно дает приглашение для ввода пароля... :(

у кого есть обяснение по пунктам как сделать... поделитесь пожалуйста.... сам делал по:

[code]To make sure that public key authentication is enabled, the AllowedAuthentications field both in /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config file on Remote and in /etc/ssh2/ssh2_config file on Local should contain the word publickey: AllowedAuthentications publickey Other authentication methods can be listed in the configuration file as well. 1. Create a keypair by executing ssh-keygen (ssh-keygen2) on Local. Local> ssh-keygen Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair 1 oOo.oOo.o Key generated. 1024-bit dsa, user@Local, Wed Mar 22 2000 00:13:43 +0200 Passphrase : Again : Private key saved to /home/user/.ssh2/id_dsa_1024_a Public key saved to /home/user/.ssh2/ Ssh-keygen will ask you for a passphrase for the new key. Enter a sufficiently long (20 characters or so) sequence of any characters (white spaces are OK). Ssh-keygen creates a .ssh2 directory in your home directory, and stores your new authentication key pair in two separate files. One is your private key which must NEVER be made available to anyone but yourself. The private key can only be used together with the passphrase. In the above example, the private key file is id_dsa_1024_a. The other file is your public key, which can be distributed to other computers. 2. Create an identification file in your ~/.ssh2 directory on Local. Local> cd ~/.ssh2 Local> echo "IdKey id_dsa_1024_a" > identification You now have an identification file which consists of one line that denotes the file containing your identification (your private key). For special applications, you can create multiple identifications by executing ssh-keygen again. This is, however, not needed in the most common cases. 3. Copy your public key ( to the ~/.ssh2 directory on Remote. 4. Create an authorization file in your ~/.ssh2 directory on Remote. Add the following line to authorization: Key This directs the SSH server to use as a valid public key when authorizing your login. If you want to login to Remote from other hosts, create authorization keys on the hosts (steps 1 and 2) and repeat steps 3 and 4 on Remote. 5. Now you should be able to login to Remote from Local using Secure Shell. Try to login: Local>ssh Remote Passphrase for key "/home/user/.ssh2/id_dsa_1024_a with comment "1024-bit dsa, created by user@Local Wed Mar 22 2000 00:13:43 +0200": After you have entered the passphrase of your private key, a Secure Shell connection will be established. [/code]

не пашет :(


нужен скрипт

Форум — Admin

нужен перловый скрипт для заведения юзера в qmail через vpopmail... аккаунты не в mysql а в /domains ... с проверкой что юзера такого нет...



usd-snmp и новый MIB

Форум — Admin

ребята помогите...

как в базу обьектов запихать файл file.mib чтобы стандартный snmpwalk мог забирать инфо с нестандартной железки...?

операционка: шапка 7.2 есть и usd-snmp 4.1 и usd-snmp 4.6



Форум — General

Промблем в следующем... Два IDE диска девайсы md0(/) md1(boot) md2(swap)... md0 при загрузке вылетает в read-only режим и следовательно sysinit не может общатся с /dev/null... загрузке кирдык.. что делать?



Форум — Admin

Промблем в следующем... Два IDE диска девайсы md0(/) md1(boot) md2(swap)... md0 при загрузке вылетает в read-only режим и следовательно sysinit не может общатся с /dev/null... загрузке кирдык.. что делать?


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