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Grey Hack, код shellweb

Форум — Development

Помогите исправить ошибку, пожалуйста! Выдает ошибку Type Error (while attempting to look up replace) [line 30]


if params.len != 2 or params[0] == «-h» or params[0] == «–help» then exit(«Usage: «+program_path.split(»/»)[-1]+" [ip_address] [port]")

metaxploit = include_lib(«/lib/»)

if not metaxploit then

currentPath = get_shell.host_computer.current_path

metaxploit = include_lib(currentPath + "/")

end if

if not metaxploit then exit(«Error: Can’t find metaxploit library in the /lib path or the current folder»)

address = params[0]

port = params[1].to_int

net_session = metaxploit.net_use( address, port )

if not net_session then exit(«Error: can’t connect to net session»)

metaLib = net_session.dump_lib

quit = function(shell, pass) print(«Root Password:») get_shell.launch(«/bin/decipher», pass) shell.start_terminal end function

shell = null pass = null memory = metaxploit.scan(metaLib) for mem in memory adress = metaxploit.scan_address(metaLib, mem). split("Unsafe check: ") for add in adress if add == address[0] then continue if shell and pass then quit(shell, pass)

	value = add[add.indexOf("<b>")+3:add.indexOf("</b>")]
	value = value.replace("\n", "") <--- Ошибка!!! 
	result = metaLib.overflow(mem, value)
	if typeof(result) != "shell" and typeof(result) != "computer" then continue
	if typeof(result) == "shell" then shell = result 
	if typeof(result) == "shell" then comp = result.host_computer
	if typeof(result) == "computer" then comp = result 
	file = comp.File("/etc/passwd")
	if not file then continue 
	cont = file.content
	if not cont then continue
	pass = cont.split("\n")[0]
	if shell then quit(shell, pass)
end for

end for if shell then shell.start_terminal exit(«Exploit Failes»)



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