Информация о пользователе birdie

Полное имя: Artem S. Tashkinov
ID: 11523
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Статус: ★★★★★
I cannot believe you have just peeped this profile in. I am not eager to dispense any data about myself. Thanks for reading this slaver.
Since my nickname used to draw some unhealthy and often demeaning attention, over the past few years I frequented this website under the following now disabled monikers: tempuser001, tempuser002, juk4windows, iab, thespiritofbirdie and a few others which I usually used to ask a single question.
I decided to depart LOR since its moderators often behave inadequately, adversely or plain mean. I can withstand when random unidentified users express their hostility, but I'm not immune to the insults stemming from the people meant to protect from verbal violence, vileness and other forms of humiliation.
I am not returning to this website any time soon unless I am bestowed an administrator's credentials.
This information was updated on the 18th of March 2015.
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