архитектор/эксперт систем dpi и мониторинга трафика г. СПб
Крупной компании разработчику софта требуется ведущий эксперт/архитектор систем dpi и мониторинга трафика. Уровень оплаты: от 140000 руб. Описание вакансии: To be responsible for deep packet inspection/3GPP Policy; Enforcement (PCEF)/Traffic monitoring systems architecture design: Packet traffic probing monitoring for standard signaling protocols over IP (SIGTRAN/Diameter/Radius/LDAP etc) Traffic policing/enforcement/charging function based on ETSI 3GPP PCC architecture Traffic inspection/DPI To participate in system design and implementation using industry standard commodity hardware (x86/Linux) and intelligent network adapters
8+ years DPI, real-time system design/implementations Experience in distributed/grid architectures Experience in real-time and near-real time data processing In-depth knowledge of L2-L7 protocols including: Transport: TCP, SCTP Signaling: Radius, Diameter, LDAP, SOAP Application protocols: HPPT/HTTPS, P2P, IM, VoIP, Game, SMTP/FTP etc In-depth knowledge of Linus/Unix IP stack and programmable network adapters like Familiar with 3G/LTE packet core infrastructure, protocols and reference points Deep knowledge and understanding of 3GPP/ETS Policy and Charging architecture Deep insight in both wireless/wireline DPI trends and problems Strong C (including kernel/driver programming) and C++ knowledge Gathering requirements Evaluate technical proposals
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