Вопрос по бакуле
Требуется бэкапить C:/Documents and Settings
FileSet {
Name = "WindowsSet"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
ignore Case = yes
wildfile = "*.mp3"
wildfile = "*.mp4"
wildfile = "*.wav"
wildfile = "*.3gp"
wildfile = "*.gif"
wildfile = "*.avi"
wildfile = "ntuser.dat"
wilddir = "tmp"
wilddir = "TMP"
wilddir = "Temporary Internet Files"
wilddir = "recycled"
# wilddir = "ALTA"
# regexfile = "*.dt"
exclude = yes
# Put your list of files here, preceded by 'File =', one per line
# or include an external list with:
# File = <file-name
# Note: / backs up everything on the root partition.
# if you have other partitions such as /usr or /home
# you will probably want to add them too.
# By default this is defined to point to the Bacula binary
# directory to give a reasonable FileSet to backup to
# disk storage during initial testing.
File = "C:/Documents and Settings"
2-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/dracon/Рабочий стол": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not open directory "C:/Documents and Settings/dracon/Шаблоны": ERR=�� ������� ����� ��������� ����.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/Expterm": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/LocalService": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/NetworkService": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/sjg": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/sjg.KAGAZ": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/spg": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/Администратор": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/колесников": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/мастер СПГ": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/моисеев": ERR=�������� � �������.
12-Апр 09:44 andrey-fd JobId 15: Could not stat "C:/Documents and Settings/пелемов": ERR=�������� � �������.