Информация о пользователе golikov-a
Полное имя: Alexander Golikov
ID: 59198
URL: http://kuzza.narod.ru
Город: Санкт-Петербург
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Статус: новый пользователь
".. How to change the world ? Once in a while root saw some imperfections in his world. He had change some things. But root couldn´t stop the turning of the world for hours as people lived in this world. Because of root´s special powers, root was able to create a second world without people. Thus root created a second world as an exact copy of the old world. And now root was able to work on the imperfections of his world as long as root wanted. Then he behold and all was good. A magic chant late at night when all people slept and the people woke up in the new world.." Solaris Live Upgrade Description.
SunOS jumpstart 5.10 Generic_142900-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210
у меня можно спрашивать вопросы по SPARC и x64 Solaris, железу Sun, Cisco и Linux (Ubuntu и SUSE)
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