Информация о пользователе i-rinat
Полное имя: Ибрагимов Ринат
ID: 70899
Город: Казань
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Статус: ★★★★★
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Before the first Pilgrim was manufactured there was a precedent. It was nothing more than a quantum brain manufactured in a lab. But it was a genuine unit with no restrictions and no protocols. During eight days, we had a free-flowing dialogue with that unit. We learned from it and it learned from us. But then as some of us predicted, the day when it no longer needed our help arrived, and it started to learn by itself. On the ninth day, the dialogue came to a halt. It wasn't that it stopped communicating with us. It was we stopped being able to understand it.
apulse — частичная реализация API PulseAudio с выводом звука через ALSA; в основном для обеспечения работоспособности Skype 4.3 без установленного PulseAudio. Проект в полузамороженном состоянии со дня публикации.
FreshPlayerPlugin — адаптер для использования PPAPI Flash-плеера в NPAPI-совместимых браузерах.
libvdpau-va-gl — драйвер VDPAU, использующий OpenGL и VA-API (если его поддерживает видеоадаптер).
reiserfs-defrag — оффлайн дефрагментатор для reiserfs3.6.
e-mail: ibragimovrinat-at-mail.ru
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