Сообщения nbvjatq


наилучшая оптимизация видеокарты nvidia

Форум — Games

здравствуйте. при входе в бой war thunder зависает и выводится ошибка vulkan: out of memory. если правильно понял, это из-за нехватки памяти видеокарты. подскажите, пожалуйста, как настроить драйвер nvidia для наилучшей производительности.

видеокарта geforce 750 ti

процессор amd fx-tm 4300 quadcore 3,80 гГц

озу 4 гб и файл подкачки 12 гб

запускал war thunder на арче на минимальных настройках где-то полтора года назад. шло нормально - и памяти хватало, и игра прямо летала, ни одного глюка и подвисания. даже ради интереса пробовал на средних и высоких настройках. на средних все так же летало, а вот на высоких уже начинались маленькие подтормаживания. помню, что сначала тоже траблы были, кажется, устанавливал некоторые доп пакеты и изменял что-то в настройках nvidia (ядро не пересобирал, оставлял по дефолту). в чем именно состояли тогда танцы с бубном, не помню. сейчас сижу на gentoo. игра ни в какую не идет. у меня 2 версии:

  1. в связи с обновлениями повысились минимальные системные требования, но написать об этом забыли (по инфе с сайта, мой комп подходит для игры)
  2. просто у меня руки из жо… я при сборке ядра выключил какой-то важный для этого модуль, не установил нужный или установил ненужный пакет vulkan или nvidia (этих пакетов в дженту немного больше, чем в арче, я немного запутался), выставил неправильные use-флаги или неправильные настройки и конфиги nvidia (в конфигах ничего не менял, оставлял по дефолту)

в графике для игр я ничего не понимаю, а перебором включать и выключать все настройки и use флаги очень долго, поэтому прошу здесь помочь. в инете инфу не нашел. что нужно сделать, что тундра на дженту работала без глюков?

 , , ,


проблема с установкой xorg-server-9999 в gentoo

Форум — Desktop

здравствуйте. хотел обновить систему, emerge выводит такое сообщение:

ninja: error: multiple rules generate hw/xfree86/glamor_egl

WARNING: Could not create compilation database.
[quote][quote][quote] Source configured.[br] Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999 ...[br][/quote][/quote][/quote]meson compile -C /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build --jobs 3 --load-average 0 --verbose
INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build -j 3 -v
ninja: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build'
ninja: error: multiple rules generate hw/xfree86/glamor_egl

 * ERROR: x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo failed (compile phase):
 *   compile failed
 * Call stack:
 *, line  136:  Called src_compile
 *   environment, line 3842:  Called meson_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3103:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       "$@" || die "compile failed"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999'
полный вывод portage:
PC ~ # emerge --ask --deep --verbose --update --newuse --with-bdeps=y x11-base/xorg-server

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
Dependency resolution took 57.16 s (backtrack: 3/20).

[ebuild  r  U *] x11-base/xorg-server-9999:0/9999::gentoo [21.1.11:0/21.1.11::gentoo] USE="elogind udev xorg -debug -minimal (-selinux) -suid -systemd -test -unwind -xcsecurity -xephyr -xnest -xvfb" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-ruby/minitest-5.22.0:5::gentoo [5.21.2:5::gentoo] USE="-doc -test" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby31 -ruby32 -ruby33" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] net-dns/libidn-1.42:0/12::gentoo  USE="nls -emacs -verify-sig" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] sys-libs/zlib-1.3.1-r1:0/1::gentoo [1.3.1:0/1::gentoo] USE="minizip -static-libs -verify-sig (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R   *] dev-libs/libpcre2-10.43_rc1:0/3::gentoo  USE="bzip2 jit pcre16 pcre32 readline unicode zlib -libedit -static-libs -valgrind -verify-sig (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] dev-vcs/git-9999-r3::gentoo [2.43.0::gentoo] USE="blksha1 curl gpg iconv nls pcre perl safe-directory subversion webdav -cgi -cvs -doc -highlight -keyring -mediawiki -perforce (-selinux) -test -tk -xinetd" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R   *] app-arch/xz-utils-9999::gentoo  USE="extra-filters nls -doc -pgo -static-libs (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-apps/file-9999::gentoo [5.45-r3::gentoo] USE="bzip2 seccomp zlib -lzip -lzma -python -static-libs -zstd (-verify-sig%)" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.3::gentoo [1.14.2-r1::gentoo] USE="nls perl -apache2 -berkdb -debug -doc -extras -java -keyring -kwallet -plaintext-password-storage -ruby -sasl -test" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] media-libs/freetype-9999:2::gentoo [2.13.2:2::gentoo] USE="X adobe-cff bzip2 cleartype-hinting png svg -brotli -debug -doc -fontforge -harfbuzz -static-libs -utils" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R   *] sys-apps/attr-9999::gentoo  USE="nls -debug -static-libs (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.47-r1::gentoo  USE="nls -common-lisp -static-libs -test -verify-sig" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-devel/gcc-config-9999::gentoo [2.11::gentoo] USE="(cc-wrappers) (native-symlinks)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-9999::gentoo [0.1.1-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-devel/llvm-common- [17.0.6::gentoo] USE="-emacs (-verify-sig%)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-perl/Net-SSLeay-1.940.0::gentoo [1.920.0-r1::gentoo] USE="-examples -minimal -test" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/nss-3.97::gentoo  USE="utils -cacert -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse3 -avx2" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] x11-apps/xprop-1.2.7::gentoo [1.2.6::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-apps/install-xattr-9999::gentoo [0.8-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-9999::gentoo [35::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/elfutils-0.190::gentoo  USE="bzip2 nls utils -debuginfod -lzma -static-libs -test -verify-sig -zstd" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] x11-apps/xkbcomp-1.4.7::gentoo [1.4.6::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild  rR    ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0::gentoo  0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-perl/Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.290.0::gentoo [0.280.0::gentoo] USE="-test" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] net-libs/libtirpc-1.3.4-r2:0/3::gentoo [1.3.4-r1:0/3::gentoo] USE="-kerberos -static-libs (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.7-r6::gentoo [1.20.7-r5::gentoo] USE="(-selinux) (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.3-r1:0/20::gentoo  USE="asm getentropy -doc -static-libs -verify-sig" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx sse4_1 -avx2 -padlock -sha" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] sys-apps/acl-2.3.2-r1::gentoo [2.3.2::gentoo] USE="nls -static-libs (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-devel/gcc-14.0.9999:14::gentoo [] USE="(cxx) fortran (multilib) nls openmp (pie) sanitize ssp -ada (-cet) (-custom-cflags) -d -debug -default-stack-clash-protection -default-znow -doc (-fixed-point) -go -graphite -hardened (-ieee-long-double) -jit (-libssp) -lto -modula2 -objc -objc++ -objc-gc (-pch) -pgo -rust -systemtap -test -valgrind -vanilla -vtv -zstd" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.85.0::gentoo [2.83.0::gentoo] USE="-examples -idn -test" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] virtual/libelf-3-r1:0/1::gentoo  ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R   *] dev-libs/libxslt-9999::gentoo  USE="crypt -debug -examples -python -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] sys-libs/pam-1.5.3-r1::gentoo [1.5.3::gentoo] USE="filecaps -audit -berkdb -debug -nis (-selinux) (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] app-arch/zstd-1.5.5-r1:0/1::gentoo [1.5.5:0/1::gentoo] USE="lzma zlib -lz4 -static-libs -test (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-apps/kmod-9999::gentoo [31::gentoo] USE="lzma (tools) zlib zstd -debug -doc -pkcs7 -python -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] app-crypt/gpgme-1.23.2:1/  USE="cxx qt5 -common-lisp -debug -python -qt6 -static-libs -test -verify-sig" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R   *] dev-build/meson-9999::gentoo  USE="(-test)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] media-libs/lcms-2.16:2::gentoo  USE="jpeg tiff -doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] x11-libs/libxcvt-9999::gentoo [0.1.2::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] x11-libs/libpciaccess-0.18::gentoo [0.17-r1::gentoo] USE="zlib" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.78.1::gentoo  USE="-doctool -gtk-doc -test" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12%" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-python/commonmark-0.9.1-r1::gentoo  USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-python/lxml-5.1.0::gentoo  USE="threads -debug -doc -examples -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-python/packaging-23.2-r1::gentoo [23.2::gentoo] USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.12-r2:5/5.15.12::gentoo [5.15.12-r1:5/5.15.12::gentoo] USE="icu -debug -old-kernel -test" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] net-misc/rsync-9999::gentoo [3.2.7-r4::gentoo] USE="acl iconv ssl xattr -examples -lz4 -rrsync -stunnel -system-zlib -xxhash -zstd (-verify-sig%)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_11 -python3_10" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] net-print/cups-9999::gentoo [2.4.7-r2::gentoo] USE="X acl dbus pam usb -debug -kerberos -openssl (-selinux) -static-libs -systemd -test -xinetd -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] x11-misc/shared-mime-info-2.4-r1::gentoo [2.4::gentoo] USE="-test" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.2.1::gentoo [1.2.0::gentoo] USE="dbus -doc -gnome" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-lang/python-3.11.8:3.11::gentoo [3.11.7:3.11::gentoo] USE="ensurepip gdbm ncurses readline sqlite ssl -bluetooth -build -debug -examples -libedit -pgo -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] x11-base/xcb-proto-1.16.0::gentoo  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-build/scons-4.6.0-r1::gentoo  USE="-doc -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12*" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-lang/python-3.12.2:3.12::gentoo [3.12.1_p1:3.12::gentoo] USE="ensurepip gdbm ncurses readline sqlite ssl -bluetooth -build -debug -examples -libedit -pgo -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-python/linkify-it-py-2.0.3::gentoo [2.0.2::gentoo] USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-qt/qtgui-5.15.12-r1:5/5.15.12::gentoo [5.15.12:5/5.15.12::gentoo] USE="X accessibility dbus egl jpeg libinput png udev vulkan -debug -eglfs -evdev -gles2-only -ibus -linuxfb -test -tslib -tuio -vnc -wayland" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.12-r1:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.12:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="X dbus gtk png -debug -gles2-only -test" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] sys-apps/util-linux-9999::gentoo [2.39.3-r1::gentoo] USE="cramfs hardlink logger ncurses nls pam readline su suid udev (unicode) -audit -build -caps -cryptsetup -fdformat -kill -magic -python (-rtas) (-selinux) -slang -static-libs -systemd -test -tty-helpers (-split-usr%*) (-verify-sig%)" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -python3_10" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/glib-2.78.4-r1:2::gentoo  USE="dbus elf (mime) xattr -debug -gtk-doc (-selinux) -static-libs -sysprof -systemtap -test -utils" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.15.0:1.0::gentoo  USE="nls -doc -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] x11-libs/libSM-1.2.4::gentoo  USE="uuid -doc" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] sys-apps/systemd-utils-254.9-r1::gentoo [254.9::gentoo] USE="acl kmod (split-usr) tmpfiles udev -boot -kernel-install -secureboot (-selinux) -sysusers -test -ukify" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_11 -python3_10 -python3_12" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.47.0-r3::gentoo [1.47.0-r2::gentoo] USE="nls tools -cron -fuse -static-libs -test (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="(64) -32* (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] virtual/libudev-251-r2:0/1::gentoo  USE="-systemd" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] x11-libs/cairo-9999::gentoo [1.18.0::gentoo] USE="X glib (-aqua) (-debug) -gtk-doc -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.42.10-r1:2::gentoo  USE="introspection jpeg tiff -gtk-doc -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.50.1:2::gentoo  USE="X introspection -dbus-broker -gtk-doc -systemd -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] x11-libs/libXft-2.3.8::gentoo  USE="-doc" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U *] media-libs/harfbuzz-9999:0/6.0.0::gentoo [8.3.0:0/6.0.0::gentoo] USE="cairo glib graphite icu introspection truetype -debug -doc -experimental -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild     U  ] dev-libs/libusb-1.0.27-r1:1::gentoo [1.0.26:1::gentoo] USE="udev -debug -doc -examples -static-libs -test (-split-usr%*)" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild  rR    ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17::gentoo  0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] x11-libs/pango-1.51.0::gentoo  USE="X introspection -debug -sysprof -test" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] virtual/libusb-1-r2:1::gentoo  USE="udev" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.57.0:2::gentoo  USE="introspection vala -debug -gtk-doc" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB

Total: 73 packages (43 upgrades, 30 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 KiB

WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict:


  (dev-libs/expat-2.6.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="unicode -examples -static-libs -test" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" conflicts with
    <dev-libs/expat-2.6:= required by (dev-lang/python-3.11.8:3.11/3.11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="ensurepip gdbm ncurses readline sqlite ssl -bluetooth -build -debug -examples -libedit -pgo -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig" ABI_X86="(64)"
    ^               ^^^  
    <dev-libs/expat-2.6:= required by (dev-lang/python-3.12.2:3.12/3.12::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="ensurepip gdbm ncurses readline sqlite ssl -bluetooth -build -debug -examples -libedit -pgo -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig" ABI_X86="(64)"
    ^               ^^^  


  (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/sphinx-5[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.8:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/sphinx-5[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.10:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/sphinx-6[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/myst-parser-2.0.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/sphinx-5[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.5:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/sphinx-2.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1-r3:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/sphinx-5[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    <dev-python/sphinx-8[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/myst-parser-2.0.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    dev-python/sphinx[python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (sys-devel/llvm-, installed) USE="binutils-plugin debug doc libffi ncurses xml -debuginfod -exegesis -libedit -test -z3 -zstd" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" LLVM_TARGETS="(AArch64) (AMDGPU) (ARM) (AVR) (BPF) (Hexagon) (Lanai) (LoongArch) (MSP430) (Mips) (NVPTX) (PowerPC) (RISCV) (Sparc) (SystemZ) (VE) (WebAssembly) (X86) (XCore) -ARC -CSKY -DirectX -M68k -SPIRV -Xtensa"
    >=dev-python/sphinx-5[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.7:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/alabaster-0.7.16:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    <dev-python/alabaster-0.8[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/Babel-2.14.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-doc -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/Babel-2.9[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/docutils-0.20.1-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    <dev-python/docutils-0.21[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    dev-python/docutils[python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (gnome-base/librsvg-2.57.0:2/2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="introspection vala -debug -gtk-doc" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)"
    <dev-python/docutils-0.21[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/myst-parser-2.0.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/docutils-0.18.1[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    dev-python/docutils[python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (x11-libs/libdrm-9999:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="udev -test -tools -valgrind" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" VIDEO_CARDS="nouveau -amdgpu (-exynos) (-freedreno) -intel (-omap) -radeon (-tegra) (-vc4) (-vivante) -vmware"


  (dev-python/imagesize-1.4.1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/imagesize-1.3[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/jinja-3.1.3:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-doc -examples -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/jinja[python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (sys-auth/pambase-999999999:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="elogind nullok passwdqc sha512 -caps -debug -gnome-keyring -homed -minimal -mktemp -pam_krb5 -pam_ssh -pwhistory -pwquality -securetty (-selinux) -sssd -systemd -yescrypt" ABI_X86="(64)"
    dev-python/jinja[python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (sys-auth/elogind-252.9:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="acl cgroup-hybrid pam policykit -audit -debug -doc (-selinux) -test" ABI_X86="(64)"
    >=dev-python/jinja-3.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    dev-python/jinja[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/myst-parser-2.0.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/pygments-2.17.2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/pygments-2.14[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    dev-python/pygments[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/docutils-0.20.1-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/requests-2.31.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="(test-rust) -socks5 -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/requests-2.25.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    dev-python/requests[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (app-portage/gemato-9999:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="gpg -pretty-log -test -tools" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/snowballstemmer-2.2.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/snowballstemmer-2.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.8:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.6:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1-r3:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/sphinxcontrib-jsmath[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.5:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.10:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.9[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.7:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/sphinx-7.2.6:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -latex -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/certifi-3021.3.16-r4:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/certifi-2017.4.17[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/requests-2.31.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="(test-rust) -socks5 -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/charset-normalizer-3.3.2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    <dev-python/charset-normalizer-4[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/requests-2.31.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="(test-rust) -socks5 -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/idna-3.6:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    <dev-python/idna-4[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/requests-2.31.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="(test-rust) -socks5 -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/urllib3-2.2.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-brotli -http2 -test -zstd" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    <dev-python/urllib3-3[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/requests-2.31.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="(test-rust) -socks5 -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/PySocks-1.7.1-r2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    <dev-python/PySocks-2.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/urllib3-2.2.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-brotli -http2 -test -zstd" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/PySocks-1.5.8[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/urllib3-2.2.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-brotli -http2 -test -zstd" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/hatchling-1.21.1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/hatchling-1.17.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/pygments-2.17.2:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/hatchling-1.17.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/urllib3-2.2.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-brotli -http2 -test -zstd" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/editables-0.5:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/editables-0.3[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/hatchling-1.21.1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/pathspec-0.12.1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/pathspec-0.10.1[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/hatchling-1.21.1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/pluggy-1.4.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/pluggy-1.0.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/hatchling-1.21.1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/trove-classifiers-2024.1.31:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/trove-classifiers[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/hatchling-1.21.1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/markupsafe-2.1.5:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-debug -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=dev-python/markupsafe-2.0.0[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/jinja-3.1.3:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -examples -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"
    >=dev-python/markupsafe-0.9.2[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/mako-1.3.2:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-doc -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (dev-python/cython-3.0.8:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="-debug -doc -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    dev-python/cython[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (dev-python/pyyaml-6.0.1-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="-debug -examples -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (sys-apps/portage-9999:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="(ipc) native-extensions rsync-verify xattr -apidoc -build -doc -gentoo-dev (-selinux) -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=sys-apps/portage-3.0.57[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (app-portage/gentoolkit-9999:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"


  (app-portage/gemato-9999:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="gpg -pretty-log -test -tools" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_12" conflicts with
    >=app-portage/gemato-14.5[python_targets_python3_11(-),python_targets_python3_12(-)] required by (sys-apps/portage-9999:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="(ipc) native-extensions rsync-verify xattr -apidoc -build -doc -gentoo-dev (-selinux) -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11 python3_12 -pypy3 -python3_10"

The following packages are causing rebuilds:

  (x11-base/xorg-server-9999:0/9999::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) causes rebuilds for:
    (x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
    (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] yes

[quote][quote][quote] Verifying ebuild manifests[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for media-libs/freetype-9999[br][/quote][/quote][/quote] * The "svg" USE flag only has effect when the "utils" USE flag is also enabled.

[quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0[br][/quote][/quote][/quote] * Determining the location of the kernel source code
 * Found kernel source directory:
 *     /usr/src/linux
 * Found sources for kernel version:
 *     6.7.2-gentoo-r1-x86_64
 * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ...                                                                                                                [ ok ]

[quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/gpm-1.20.7-r6[br][/quote][/quote][/quote] * Determining the location of the kernel source code
 * Found kernel source directory:
 *     /usr/src/linux
 * Found sources for kernel version:
 *     6.7.2-gentoo-r1-x86_64
 * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ...                                                                                                                [ ok ]

[quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.3-r1[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for sys-devel/gcc-14.0.9999[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.12-r2[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.11.8[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.12.2[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/util-linux-9999[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote] Emerging (1 of 73) x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo[br] Unpacking source...[br][/quote][/quote][/quote] * Repository id: xorg_xserver.git
 * To override fetched repository properties, use:
 * Fetching ...
git fetch +HEAD:refs/git-r3/HEAD
git symbolic-ref refs/git-r3/x11-base/xorg-server/0/__main__ refs/git-r3/HEAD
 * Checking out to /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999 ...
git checkout --quiet refs/git-r3/HEAD
GIT update -->
   at the commit:            b3b86ae6745d845c90930cf6817dd15a32ca37c5
[quote][quote][quote] Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work[br] Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999 ...[br][/quote][/quote][/quote] * Applying xorg-server-1.12-unloadsubmodule.patch ...                                                                                                                   [ ok ]
 * Applying xorg-server-1.18-support-multiple-Files-sections.patch ...                                                                                                   [ ok ]
[quote][quote][quote] Source prepared.[br] Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999 ...[br][/quote][/quote][/quote]meson setup --libdir lib64 --localstatedir /var/lib --prefix /usr --sysconfdir /etc --wrap-mode nodownload --build.pkg-config-path /usr/share/pkgconfig --pkg-config-path /usr/share/pkgconfig --native-file /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/meson.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.amd64.ini -Db_pch=false -Dwerror=false -Db_lto=false --buildtype plain --localstatedir /var --sysconfdir /etc/X11 --buildtype plain -Db_ndebug=true -Ddri1=true -Ddri2=true -Ddri3=true -Dglamor=true -Dglx=true -Dudev=true -Dudev_kms=true -Dlibunwind=false -Dxcsecurity=false -Dxselinux=false -Dxephyr=false -Dxnest=false -Dxorg=true -Dxvfb=false -Ddocs=false -Ddrm=true -Ddtrace=false -Dipv6=true -Dhal=false -Dlinux_acpi=false -Dlinux_apm=false -Dsecure-rpc=false -Dsha1=libcrypto -Dxkb_output_dir=/var/lib/xkb -Dxwayland=false -Dsystemd_logind=true -Dsuid_wrapper=false /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999 /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build
The Meson build system
Version: 1.3.99
Source dir: /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999
Build dir: /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build
Build type: native build
Project name: xserver
Project version:
C compiler for the host machine: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (gcc 13.2.1 "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (Gentoo 13.2.1_p20240113-r1 p12) 13.2.1 20240113")
C linker for the host machine: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc ld.bfd 2.41
Host machine cpu family: x86_64
Host machine cpu: x86_64
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wall: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat=2: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-prototypes: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-prototypes: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wnested-externs: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wbad-function-cast: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wold-style-definition: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wunused: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wuninitialized: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wshadow: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-noreturn: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-format-attribute: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wredundant-decls: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=implicit: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=nonnull: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=init-self: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=main: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=missing-braces: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=sequence-point: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=return-type: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=trigraphs: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=array-bounds: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=write-strings: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=address: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast: YES 
Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast: YES WARNING: Consider using the built-in warning_level option instead of using "-Wall".
Found pkg-config: YES (/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config) 2.1.1
Run-time dependency xproto found: YES 7.0.33
Run-time dependency randrproto found: YES 1.6.0
Run-time dependency renderproto found: YES 0.11.1
Run-time dependency xextproto found: YES 7.3.0
Run-time dependency inputproto found: YES
Run-time dependency kbproto found: YES 1.0.7
Run-time dependency fontsproto found: YES 2.1.3
Run-time dependency fixesproto found: YES 6.1
Run-time dependency damageproto found: YES 1.2.1
Run-time dependency xcmiscproto found: YES 1.2.2
Run-time dependency bigreqsproto found: YES 1.1.2
Run-time dependency presentproto found: YES 1.3
Run-time dependency xtrans found: YES 1.5.0
Run-time dependency videoproto found: YES 2.3.3
Run-time dependency compositeproto found: YES 0.4.2
Run-time dependency recordproto found: YES 1.14.2
Run-time dependency scrnsaverproto found: YES 1.2.3
Run-time dependency resourceproto found: YES 1.2.0
Run-time dependency xf86driproto found: YES 2.1.1
Run-time dependency dri2proto found: YES 2.8
Run-time dependency dri3proto found: YES 1.3
Run-time dependency xineramaproto found: YES 1.2.1
Run-time dependency xf86bigfontproto found: YES 1.2.0
Run-time dependency xf86vidmodeproto found: YES 2.3.1
Run-time dependency applewmproto found: YES 1.4.2
Run-time dependency xshmfence found: YES 1.3.2
Run-time dependency xwaylandproto found: YES 1.0
Run-time dependency dpmsproto found: YES 1.2
Run-time dependency pixman-1 found: YES 0.43.3
Run-time dependency libbsd-overlay found: YES 0.11.8
Run-time dependency xkbcomp found: YES 1.4.6
Run-time dependency xkbfile found: YES 1.1.2
Run-time dependency xfont2 found: YES 2.0.6
Run-time dependency dbus-1 found: YES 1.15.8
Found CMake: /usr/bin/cmake (3.28.20240204)
Run-time dependency libsystemd found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Run-time dependency libsystemd-daemon found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Run-time dependency fontutil found: YES 1.4.1
Run-time dependency libxcvt found: YES 0.1.2
Run-time dependency libudev found: YES 254
Run-time dependency gbm found: YES 24.1.0-devel
Run-time dependency epoxy found: YES 1.5.11
Library crypto found: YES
Run-time dependency openssl found: YES 3.2.1
Message: Using libcrypto SHA1 functions
Run-time dependency xdmcp found: YES 1.1.4
Run-time dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.120
Run-time dependency xf86dgaproto found: YES 2.1
Has header "sys/shm.h" : YES 
Library m found: YES
Library dl found: YES
Run-time dependency xorg-sgml-doctools found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Program xmlto found: YES (/usr/bin/xmlto)
Program xsltproc found: YES (/usr/bin/xsltproc)
Program fop found: NO
Run-time dependency dri found: YES 24.1.0-devel
Checking if "typeof()" compiles: YES 
Checking for function "clock_gettime" : YES 
Checking if "CLOCK_MONOTONIC" compiles: YES 
Checking for size of "unsigned long" : 8 
Header "pthread.h" has symbol "PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE" : YES 
Checking if "pthread_setname_np(tid, name)" compiles: YES 
Has header "dlfcn.h" : YES 
Has header "execinfo.h" : YES 
Has header "fnmatch.h" : YES 
Has header "linux/agpgart.h" : YES 
Has header "strings.h" : YES 
Has header "sys/agpgart.h" : NO 
Has header "sys/ucred.h" : NO 
Has header "sys/un.h" : YES 
Has header "sys/utsname.h" : YES 
Has header "sys/sysmacros.h" : YES 
Checking for function "arc4random_buf" with dependency libbsd-overlay: YES 
Checking for function "backtrace" : YES 
Checking for function "cbrt" : YES 
Checking for function "epoll_create1" : YES 
Checking for function "getuid" : YES 
Checking for function "geteuid" : YES 
Checking for function "isastream" : NO 
Checking for function "issetugid" : NO 
Checking for function "getifaddrs" : YES 
Checking for function "getpeereid" : NO 
Checking for function "getpeerucred" : NO 
Checking for function "getprogname" : NO 
Checking for function "getzoneid" : NO 
Checking for function "memfd_create" : YES 
Checking for function "mkostemp" : YES 
Checking for function "mmap" : YES 
Checking for function "open_device" : NO 
Checking for function "poll" : YES 
Checking for function "pollset_create" : NO 
Checking for function "posix_fallocate" : YES 
Checking for function "port_create" : NO 
Checking for function "reallocarray" with dependency libbsd-overlay: YES 
Checking for function "seteuid" : YES 
Checking for function "setitimer" : YES 
Checking for function "shmctl64" : NO 
Checking for function "sigaction" : YES 
Checking for function "sigprocmask" : YES 
Checking for function "strcasecmp" : YES 
Checking for function "strcasestr" : YES 
Checking for function "strlcat" with dependency libbsd-overlay: YES 
Checking for function "strlcpy" with dependency libbsd-overlay: YES 
Checking for function "strncasecmp" : YES 
Checking for function "strndup" : YES 
Header "string.h" has symbol "strndup" : YES 
Checking for function "timingsafe_memcmp" : NO 
Checking for function "vasprintf" : YES 
Checking for function "vsnprintf" : YES 
Checking for function "walkcontext" : NO 
Checking whether type "struct xucred" has member "cr_pid" : NO 
Header "sys/socket.h" has symbol "SCM_RIGHTS" : YES 
Header "sys/socket.h" has symbol "SO_PEERCRED" : YES 
Configuring dix-config.h using configuration
Configuring xorg-server.h using configuration
Configuring version-config.h using configuration
Configuring xkb-config.h using configuration
Has header "stropts.h" : NO 
Has header "sys/kd.h" : YES 
Has header "sys/vt.h" : YES 
Configuring xorg-config.h using configuration
Configuring xwin-config.h using configuration
Configuring xwayland-config.h using configuration
Run-time dependency glproto found: YES 1.4.17
Run-time dependency gl found: YES 1.2
Dependency glproto found: YES 1.4.17 (cached)
Dependency gl found: YES 1.2 (cached)
Library pthread found: YES
Run-time dependency xau found: YES 1.0.11
Dependency presentproto found: YES 1.3 (cached)
Dependency epoxy found: YES 1.5.11 (cached)
Run-time dependency pciaccess found: YES 0.17
Program awk found: YES (/usr/bin/awk)
Has header "sys/agpio.h" : NO 
Has header "sys/agpgart.h" : NO (cached)
Has header "linux/agpgart.h" : YES (cached)
Dependency xau found: YES 1.0.11 (cached)
Configuring exa.4 using configuration
Configuring fbdevhw.4 using configuration
Dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.120 (cached)
Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-format-nonliteral: YES 
Configuring modesetting.4 using configuration
Configuring inputtestdrv.4 using configuration
Configuring Xorg.1 using configuration
Configuring xorg.conf.5 using configuration
Configuring xorg.conf.d.5 using configuration
Configuring gtf.1 using configuration
Program rendercheck found: NO
Run-time dependency xcb found: YES 1.16
Run-time dependency xcb-xinput found: YES 1.16
Dependency xcb found: YES 1.16 (cached)
Run-time dependency xcb-damage found: YES 1.16
Dependency xcb found: YES 1.16 (cached)
Run-time dependency xcb-sync found: YES 1.16
Dependency xcb found: YES 1.16 (cached)
Run-time dependency xcb-image found: YES 0.4.1
Run-time dependency xcb-util found: YES 0.4.1
Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,-wrap: YES 
Configuring Xserver.1 using configuration
Program awk found: YES (/usr/bin/awk)
Configuring xorg-server.pc using configuration
Build targets in project: 60


  User defined options
    Native files         : /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/meson.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.amd64.ini
    build.pkg_config_path: /usr/share/pkgconfig
    buildtype            : plain
    libdir               : lib64
    localstatedir        : /var
    pkg_config_path      : /usr/share/pkgconfig
    prefix               : /usr
    sysconfdir           : /etc/X11
    werror               : false
    wrap_mode            : nodownload
    b_lto                : false
    b_ndebug             : true
    b_pch                : false
    docs                 : false
    dri1                 : true
    dri2                 : true
    dri3                 : true
    drm                  : true
    dtrace               : false
    glamor               : true
    glx                  : true
    hal                  : false
    ipv6                 : true
    libunwind            : false
    linux_acpi           : false
    linux_apm            : false
    secure-rpc           : false
    sha1                 : libcrypto
    suid_wrapper         : false
    systemd_logind       : true
    udev                 : true
    udev_kms             : true
    xcsecurity           : false
    xephyr               : false
    xkb_output_dir       : /var/lib/xkb
    xnest                : false
    xorg                 : true
    xselinux             : false
    xvfb                 : false
    xwayland             : false

Found ninja-1.12.0.git at /usr/bin/ninja
ninja: error: multiple rules generate hw/xfree86/glamor_egl

WARNING: Could not create compilation database.
[quote][quote][quote] Source configured.[br] Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999 ...[br][/quote][/quote][/quote]meson compile -C /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build --jobs 3 --load-average 0 --verbose
INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build -j 3 -v
ninja: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999-build'
ninja: error: multiple rules generate hw/xfree86/glamor_egl

 * ERROR: x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo failed (compile phase):
 *   compile failed
 * Call stack:
 *, line  136:  Called src_compile
 *   environment, line 3842:  Called meson_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3103:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       "$@" || die "compile failed"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999'

[quote][quote][quote] Failed to emerge x11-base/xorg-server-9999, Log file:[br][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][quote][quote]  '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/build.log'[br][/quote][/quote][/quote] * Messages for package x11-base/xorg-server-9999:

 * ERROR: x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo failed (compile phase):
 *   compile failed
 * Call stack:
 *, line  136:  Called src_compile
 *   environment, line 3842:  Called meson_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3103:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       "$@" || die "compile failed"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=x11-base/xorg-server-9999::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-base/xorg-server-9999/work/xorg-server-9999'
COMMON_FLAGS="-O2 -march=bdver1 -pipe"
CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx f16c fma3 fma4 mmx mmxext pclmul popcnt sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 xop"
L10N="ru en"
    rsync:// \ \ \"
скажите, пожалуйста, это мой косяк и надо разбираться с конфигом и зависимостями (и тогда что именно надо изменить? до*уя уже чего пробовал, не помогало), или это баг в ебилде и надо просто подождать обновление?

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