Ситуация такая, все норм работает на ceph и на внешнем сторадже все мигрирует на живую т.е. не выключая вирт. машину, но вот если мы попробуем мигрировать вирт. машину (которая работает) из GUI и если у нее диск на zfs то получаю ошибку. Если вирт. машина off то все нормально мигрируется из GUI
2018-08-30 13:35:22 starting migration of VM 100 to node '02pve' (
2018-08-30 13:35:22 found local disk 'local-zfs:vm-100-disk-1' (in current VM config)
2018-08-30 13:35:22 can't migrate local disk 'local-zfs:vm-100-disk-1': can't live migrate attached local disks without with-local-disks option
2018-08-30 13:35:22 ERROR: Failed to sync data - can't migrate VM - check log
2018-08-30 13:35:22 aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources
2018-08-30 13:35:22 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:01): Failed to sync data - can't migrate VM - check log
TASK ERROR: migration aborted
Но если воспользоваться командой из консоли
root@01pve:/etc# qm migrate 100 02pve --online --with-local-disks
2018-08-30 13:36:44 starting migration of VM 100 to node '02pve' (
2018-08-30 13:36:44 found local disk 'local-zfs:vm-100-disk-1' (in current VM config)
2018-08-30 13:36:44 copying disk images
2018-08-30 13:36:44 starting VM 100 on remote node '02pve'
2018-08-30 13:36:47 start remote tunnel
2018-08-30 13:36:48 ssh tunnel ver 1
2018-08-30 13:36:48 starting storage migration
2018-08-30 13:36:48 scsi0: start migration to nbd:
drive mirror is starting for drive-scsi0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 52428800 bytes remaining: 2095054848 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 2.44 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 257949696 bytes remaining: 1889533952 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 12.01 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 461373440 bytes remaining: 1686110208 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 21.48 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 685768704 bytes remaining: 1461714944 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 31.93 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 851443712 bytes remaining: 1296039936 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 39.65 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 1289748480 bytes remaining: 857735168 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 60.06 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 1457520640 bytes remaining: 689963008 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 67.87 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 1670381568 bytes remaining: 477102080 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 77.78 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 1960837120 bytes remaining: 186646528 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 91.31 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 2112880640 bytes remaining: 34603008 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 98.39 % busy: 1 ready: 0
drive-scsi0: transferred: 2147483648 bytes remaining: 0 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 100.00 % busy: 0 ready: 1
all mirroring jobs are ready
2018-08-30 13:37:02 starting online/live migration on unix:/run/qemu-server/100.migrate
2018-08-30 13:37:02 migrate_set_speed: 8589934592
2018-08-30 13:37:02 migrate_set_downtime: 0.1
2018-08-30 13:37:02 set migration_caps
2018-08-30 13:37:02 set cachesize: 67108864
2018-08-30 13:37:02 start migrate command to unix:/run/qemu-server/100.migrate
2018-08-30 13:37:03 migration speed: 34.13 MB/s - downtime 13 ms
2018-08-30 13:37:03 migration status: completed
drive-scsi0: transferred: 2147483648 bytes remaining: 0 bytes total: 2147483648 bytes progression: 100.00 % busy: 0 ready: 1
all mirroring jobs are ready
drive-scsi0: Completing block job...
drive-scsi0: Completed successfully.
drive-scsi0 : finished
2018-08-30 13:37:08 migration finished successfully (duration 00:00:24)
Как мы видем все нормально и без ошибок. Поиски привели к следующему
Патч проверил у себя все что в патче уже есть в тек. версии
PVE Manager Version pve-manager/5.2-8/fdf39912
. Также прочитал
вот это но вопрос так и не решился.
Тестовый стенд чистый установленный proxmox 5.2 обновлен до тек состояния две ноды, одна вирт. машина
p.s. из консоли работает!!!
proxmox, zfs