Realtek ALC681VD звук 5.1 в OSS
Форум — Linux-hardware
Сменил недавно мать, на новой матери звук встроенный - Realtek ALC681VD на ICH7 High Definition Audio Controller. ось - Debian Sid. с альсой копался, но не смог даже просто 5.1 звук в шестиканальных фильмах поднять, под OSS 5.1 работает только при шестиканальном исходном звуке, то есть микширование на каналы почему-то не работает, хотя vmix отмечен, как многоканальный . При osstest работают все колонки. вывод ossinfo -v3 :
Version info: OSS 4.1 (b 1052/200903240621) (0x00040100)
Platform: Linux/x86_64 #1 PREEMPT Sat May 16 14:49:53 YEKST 2009 (alestro)
Number of audio devices: 6
Number of audio engines: 10
Number of mixer devices: 1
Device objects
0: osscore0 OSS core services
1: oss_hdaudio0 Intel HD Audio interrupts=4831212 (5067575)
HD Audio controller Intel HD Audio
Vendor ID 0x808627d8
Subvendor ID 0x1565820d
Codec 2: ALC862 (0x10ec0862/0x1565c601)
2: oss_usb0 USB audio core services
Mixer devices
0: High Definition Audio ALC862 (Mixer 0 of device object 1)
Device file /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/mix0, Legacy device /dev/mixer0
Priority: 10
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-mx01
Device priority: 10
Audio devices
HD Audio play pcm /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0 (device index 0)
Legacy device /dev/dsp0
Modes: IN/OUT
Out engine 1: 0/HD Audio play pcm
Busy (OUT) label 'VMIX'
Engine 2: 6/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Busy (OUT) by PID 4013 / amarokapp label 'amarokapp'
Engine 3: 7/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Available for use
Engine 4: 8/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Available for use
Engine 5: 9/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Available for use
Input formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Output formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-au01
Related mixer dev: 0
Sample rate source: 0
Preferred channel configuration: Not indicated
Supported number of channels (min - max): 2 - 8
Native sample rates (min - max): 44100 - 96000 (44100,48000,96000)
HW Type: Not indicated.
Minimum latency: Not indicated
HD Audio play front /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm1 (device index 1)
Legacy device /dev/dsp1
Out engine 1: 1/HD Audio play front
Available for use
Input formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Output formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-au02
Related mixer dev: 0
Sample rate source: 0
Preferred channel configuration: Not indicated
Supported number of channels (min - max): 2 - 2
Native sample rates (min - max): 44100 - 96000 (44100,48000,96000)
HW Type: Not indicated.
Minimum latency: Not indicated
HD Audio play side /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm2 (device index 2)
Legacy device /dev/dsp2
Out engine 1: 2/HD Audio play side
Available for use
Input formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Output formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-au03
Related mixer dev: 0
Sample rate source: 0
Preferred channel configuration: Not indicated
Supported number of channels (min - max): 2 - 2
Native sample rates (min - max): 44100 - 96000 (44100,48000,96000)
HW Type: Not indicated.
Minimum latency: Not indicated
HD Audio play center/LFE /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm3 (device index 3)
Legacy device /dev/dsp3
Out engine 1: 3/HD Audio play center/LFE
Available for use
Input formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Output formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-au04
Related mixer dev: 0
Sample rate source: 0
Preferred channel configuration: Not indicated
Supported number of channels (min - max): 2 - 2
Native sample rates (min - max): 44100 - 96000 (44100,48000,96000)
HW Type: Not indicated.
Minimum latency: Not indicated
HD Audio play rear /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/spdout0 (device index 4)
Legacy device /dev/dsp4
Out engine 1: 4/HD Audio play rear
Available for use
Input formats (0x00001410):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_AC3 - AC3 (Dolby Digital) encoded audio
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Output formats (0x00001410):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_AC3 - AC3 (Dolby Digital) encoded audio
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-au05
Related mixer dev: 0
Sample rate source: 0
Preferred channel configuration: Not indicated
Supported number of channels (min - max): 2 - 2
Native sample rates (min - max): 44100 - 96000 (44100,48000,96000)
HW Type: Not indicated.
Minimum latency: Not indicated
HD Audio rec mix /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcmin0 (device index 5)
Legacy device /dev/dsp5
Modes: IN/OUT
In engine 1: 5/HD Audio rec mix
Busy (IN) label 'VMIX_IN'
Engine 2: 6/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Busy (OUT) by PID 4013 / amarokapp label 'amarokapp'
Engine 3: 7/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Available for use
Engine 4: 8/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Available for use
Engine 5: 9/HD Audio play pcm (vmix)
Available for use
Input formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Output formats (0x00001010):
AFMT_S16_LE - 16 bit signed little endian
AFMT_S32_LE - 32 bit signed little endian
Device handle: PCI820d1565-0000:00:1b.0-au06
Related mixer dev: 0
Sample rate source: 0
Preferred channel configuration: Not indicated
Supported number of channels (min - max): 2 - 2
Native sample rates (min - max): 44100 - 96000 (44100,48000,96000)
HW Type: Not indicated.
Minimum latency: Not indicated