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Bacula TLS negotiation failed

Форум — Admin

Доброго времени суток! Поставили задачу, реализовать бэкап linux средствами Bacula. Случайным образом была выбрана версия 11. Есть две схемы:

  1. Director, Storage, File daemon находятся на одном хосте, производится локальный бэкап машины.
  2. Director, Storage на одном хосте, File daemon на другом. Первый вариант работает отлично, со вторым проблемы.. На клиента поставил bacula client, настроил bacula-fd.conf. Не использую TLS/SSL, в конфигах явно указываю, что TLS enable = no. Сервер и клиент находятся в одном сегменте сети, обращение к хостам идёт по IP, не по FQDN. По итогу, когда запускаю задание - бэкап удаленного клиента получаю ошибку:
bacula0-dir Start Backup JobId 1165, Job=Backup_configfiles_Bacula_F13.2022-09-05_10.35.36_52
 Using Device "DISK3" to write.
Error: openssl.c:81 Connect failure: ERR=error:14094417:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert illegal parameter
Fatal error: TLS negotiation failed with FD at ""
Error: getmsg.c:217 Malformed message: [TLS negotiation failed with DIR at ""

 Warning: Unexpected Client Job message: 2999 Authentication failed.

В bconsole чекаю статус клиента:

Connecting to Storage bacula0-storage at
Connecting to Client Bacula_F13-fd at
Failed to connect to Client.

Вопрос, можно ли делать удаленный бэкап без использования TLS/SSL, как можно обойти/решить данную ситуацию. Спасибо!

Bacula-dir.conf (server)

      Name = bacula0-dir
      DIRport = 9101
      QueryFile = "/usr/local/share/bacula/query.sql"
      WorkingDirectory = "/var/db/bacula"
      PidDirectory = "/var/run"
      Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
      Password = "console-pass"                                         
      Messages = Daemon
      DirAddress =
      TLS Enable = no
      TLS Require = no
      TLS Verify Peer = no

    Catalog {                           
      Name = MyCatalog
      dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = "999"; dbport=5432; dbaddress =;
    Console {                                   
      Name = bacula0-mon
      Password = "console-pass"
      CommandACL = status, .status
Client {                   
      Name = Bacula_F13-fd
      Address =
      FDPort = 9102
      Catalog = MyCatalog
      Password = "cleint_Bacula_F13"           # password for FileDaemon
      File Retention = 60 days                 # 60 days
      Job Retention = 6 months                 # six months
      AutoPrune = yes                          # Prune expired Jobs/Files
      TLS Enable = no
      TLS Require = no
      TLS Verify Peer = no
    Storage {
      Name = bacula0-storage2  
      Address =                     # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
      SDPort = 9103
      Password = "device-pass"
      Device = DISK3
      Media Type = FileXXXx
    Pool {                     
      Name = File_pool_for_Bacula_F11
      Pool Type = Backup
      Recycle = yes                            # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
      AutoPrune = yes                          # Prune expired volumes
      Volume Retention = 2 hours 15 min        # one year
      Maximum Volumes = 4
      Maximum Volume Jobs = 7 
      Maximum Volume Bytes = 1G                         # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
      Label Format = "F11_HoursIncre-"                          # Auto label

Bacula-fd.conf (server)

  Name = Bacula_F13-fd
  FDport = 9102                 
  WorkingDirectory = /var/db/bacula
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  Plugin Directory = /usr/local/lib
  FDAddress =
  CommCompression = no
  TLS Enable = no
  TLS Require = no

Messages {
  Name = Standard
  director = bacula0-dir = all, !skipped, !restored, !saved

Bacula-fd.conf (client)

  Name = bacula0-dir
  Password = "client_Bacula_F13"
  TLS Enable = no
  TLS Require = no
  TLS Verify Peer = no

FileDaemon {                          # this is me
  Name = Bacula_F13-fd
  FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
  WorkingDirectory = /var/db/bacula
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  Plugin Directory = /usr/local/lib
  FDAddress =
  CommCompression = no
  TLS Enable = no
  TLS Require = no

# Send all messages except skipped files back to Director
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  director = bacula0-dir = all, !skipped, !restored, !saved



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