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University of Utah computer scientists have developed software that not only detects and eradicates never-before-seen viruses and other malware, but also automatically repairs damage caused by them. The software then prevents the invader from ever infecting the computer again.

A3 is a software suite that works with a virtual machine — a virtual computer that emulates the operations of a computer without dedicated hardware. The A3 software is designed to watch over the virtual machine's operating system and applications, says Eric Eide, University of Utah research assistant professor of computer science leading the university's A3 team with U computer science associate professor John Regehr. A3 is designed to protect servers or similar business-grade computers that run on the Linux operating system. It also has been demonstrated to protect military applications.

The new software called A3, or Advanced Adaptive Applications, was co-developed by Massachusetts-based defense contractor, Raytheon BBN, and was funded by Clean-Slate Design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts, a program of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The four-year project was completed in late September.

To test A3's effectiveness, the team from the U and Raytheon BBN used the infamous software bug called Shellshock for a demonstration to DARPA officials in Jacksonville, Florida, in September. A3 discovered the Shellshock attack on a Web server and repaired the damage in four minutes, Eide says. The team also tested A3 successfully on another half-dozen pieces of malware.


A3 is designed to protect servers or similar business-grade computers that run on the Linux operating system. It also has been demonstrated to protect military applications.

Не думаю что первые и уж точно вторые захотят использовать такую «умную» систему.

computer scientists have developed software that not only detects and eradicates never-before-seen viruses and other malware, but also automatically repairs damage caused by them

Видимо, хорошо защищает, раз после этого нужно восстановление.

aplay ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: aplay (всего исправлений: 1)

A3 discovered the Shellshock attack on a Web server and repaired the damage in four minutes

Грамотный шеллшок уже увел /etc/shadow, а за 4 минуты 100 тыс. ботов с cuda на борту расшифровали пароль на root. :)

gh0stwizard ★★★★★

Самоподчиняющийся BDSM

Eddy_Em ☆☆☆☆☆

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siphonops ★★★
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Лорчую. Должно быть подробнейшее описание принципов работы софта, которое ИИ смог бы понимать, при ремонте, как минимум.

xwicked ★★☆
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