DisplayPort includes optional DPCP (DisplayPort Content Protection) copy-protection from AMD, which uses 128-bit AES encryption, with modern cryptography ciphers. It also features full authentication and session key establishment (each encryption session is independent). There is an independent revocation system. This portion of the standard is licensed separately. It also adds support for verifying the proximity of the receiver and transmitter, a technique intended to ensure users are not bypassing content protection system to send data out to distant, unauthorized users.



>Заявлена полная поддержка возможностей ATI FireGL V7700 «в широком круге профессиональных операционных сред», включая Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista и Linux.

полная поддержка -- это кривые дрова и невозможность юзать суспенд/хинебрайт?

timth ★☆
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