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Currently supported password schemes are:
CRYPT: DES-based encryption. This is how passwords are historically stored in /etc/passwd.
LANMAN: DES-based encryption. Used sometimes with NTLM mechanism.
NTLM: MD4 sum of the password stored in hex. Used with NTLM mechanism.
MD5: MD5crypt. Another format historically used in /etc/passwd.
PLAIN-MD5: MD5 sum of the password stored in hex.
LDAP-MD5: MD5 sum of the password stored in base64.
SMD5: Salted MD5 sum of the password stored in base64.
HMAC-MD5: Use with CRAM-MD5 mechanism.
DIGEST-MD5: Use with DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.
SHA: SHA1 sum of the password stored in base64.
SSHA: Salted SHA1 sum of the password stored in base64.
PLAIN: Password is in plaintext.

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