Здравствуйте! Есть принтер HP laser jet Professional P1102s, подключен к win7, не могу настроить Lubuntu 18.04 чтобы он печатал. Пробовал через LPD и SAMBA. CUPS пишет «Filter failed»
Устанавливал сначала hplip из репозитория, а потом с сайта hp.com (драйвер принтера)
(Как спрятать эти длинные портянки?)
Журнал ошибок CUPS
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] The following messages were recorded from 14:36:55 to 14:37:12
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Unloading...
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Loading attributes...
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Job restarted by user.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] time-at-processing=1549622232
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] 4 filters for job:
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] bannertopdf (application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner to application/pdf, cost 32)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] pdftopdf (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] gstoraster (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-raster, cost 99)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] hpcups (application/vnd.cups-raster to printer/HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102, cost 0)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] job-sheets=none,none
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[0]="HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[1]="36"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[2]="anonymous"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[3]="Test Page"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[4]="1"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:2167fa98-4dff-34bd-6fae-1947774a2f0e job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1549622213 time-at-processing=1549622232"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00036-001"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@dtub"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.2.7"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[13]="USER=root"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[14]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[19]="LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102.ppd"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=smb://"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=HP LaserJet Professional p1102"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION="
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[26]="PRINTER=HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[27]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=hplip.plugin-error"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[28]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[29]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[30]="AUTH_I****"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf (PID 2954)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 2955)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 2956)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups (PID 2957)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 2958)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Restarted by "root".
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] OUTFORMAT=\"(null)\", so output format will be CUPS/PWG Raster
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by the PPD: hpcups; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-raster => pdftopdf will not log pages in page_log.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] PDF template file doesn\'t have form. It\'s okay.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] PID 2954 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf) exited with no errors.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Color Manager: Calibration Mode/Off
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] PID 2955 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_HP_LaserJet_Professional_p1102
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Device.Get(ProfilingInhibitors)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_HP_LaserJet_Professional_p1102
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Calling GetProfileForQualifiers(Gray.Plain....)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Found profile /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/HP_LaserJet_Professional_p1102_Gray__
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Profile.Get(Filename)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Use profile filename: \'\'
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Color Manager: ICC Profile:
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Ghostscript using Any-Part-of-Pixel method to fill paths.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Ghostscript command line: gs -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -sDEVICE=cups -sMediaType=Plain -sOutputType=0 -r600x600 -dMediaPosition=7 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=841 -dcupsBitsPerColor=1 -dcupsColorOrder=0 -dcupsColorSpace=3 -dcupsRowCount=1 -dcupsRowStep=2 -dcupsInteger0=9 -scupsPageSizeName=A4 -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -c \'<</.HWMargins[18.000000 15.500000 18.000000 15.500000] /Margins[0 0]>>setpagedevice\' -f -_
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[0]=\"CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[1]=\"CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[2]=\"CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[3]=\"CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[4]=\"CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[5]=\"CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[6]=\"CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[7]=\"CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[8]=\"HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[9]=\"PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[10]=\"SERVER_ADMIN=root@dtub\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[11]=\"SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.2.7\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[12]=\"USER=root\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[13]=\"CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[14]=\"CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[15]=\"CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[16]=\"IPP_PORT=631\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[17]=\"CHARSET=utf-8\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[18]=\"LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[19]=\"PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102.ppd\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[20]=\"RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[21]=\"CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[22]=\"DEVICE_URI=smb://prn:1@\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[23]=\"PRINTER_INFO=HP LaserJet Professional p1102\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[24]=\"PRINTER_LOCATION=\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[25]=\"PRINTER=HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[26]=\"PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=hplip.plugin-error\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[27]=\"CUPS_FILETYPE=document\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[28]=\"FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] envp[29]=\"AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=username,password\"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Connected with username/password...
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Start rendering...
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Set job-printer-state-message to "Start rendering...", current level=INFO
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Processing page 1...
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 1...", current level=INFO
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 647: DEBUG: imageProcessorStartPage failed result = 2
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] STATE: +hplip.plugin-error
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 490: m_Job initialization failed with error = 48
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] PID 2957 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups) stopped with status 1.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Processing page 2...
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] PID 2958 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb) exited with no errors.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] Rendering completed
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] PID 2956 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors.
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] End of messages
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] printer-state=3(idle)
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] printer-state-message="Rendering completed"
D [08/Feb/2019:14:37:12 +0400] [Job 36] printer-state-reasons=hplip.plugin-error
journalctl -k
фев 08 14:36:54 dtub hpcups[2945]: common/utils.c 112: unable to open /var/lib/hp/hplip.state: No such file or directory
фев 08 14:36:54 dtub hpcups[2945]: common/utils.c 162: validate_plugin_version() Failed to get Plugin version from [/var/lib/hp/hplip.state]
фев 08 14:36:54 dtub hpcups[2945]: common/utils.c 206: Plugin version is not matching
фев 08 14:36:54 dtub hpcups[2945]: common/utils.c 277: Invalid Library hanlder pLibHandler = NULL.
фев 08 14:37:12 dtub hpcups[2957]: common/utils.c 112: unable to open /var/lib/hp/hplip.state: No such file or directory
фев 08 14:37:12 dtub hpcups[2957]: common/utils.c 162: validate_plugin_version() Failed to get Plugin version from [/var/lib/hp/hplip.state]
фев 08 14:37:12 dtub hpcups[2957]: common/utils.c 206: Plugin version is not matching
фев 08 14:37:12 dtub hpcups[2957]: common/utils.c 277: Invalid Library hanlder pLibHandler = NULL.