Имеется Debian 10 и Cacti 1.2.2(будь он не ладен). Проблема в том, что spine не обновляет данные в графике, а cmd.php отлично работает. Изучая логи наткнулся на то, что при cmd.php есть строка:
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Parsed MULTI output field 'CONNECTIONS:11' [map CONNECTIONS->connections]
2019/11/05 11:24:03 - SYSTEM STATS: Time:2.3771 Method:spine Processes:1 Threads:1 Hosts:1 HostsPerProcess:1 DataSources:2 RRDsProcessed:2
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Time: 1.0938 s, Threads: 1, Devices: 1
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: Net-SNMP Close Completed
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: MYSQL Free & Close Completed
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: Allocated Variable Memory Freed
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: PHP Script Server Pipes Closed
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: Thread Cleanup Complete
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/site/rra/extra-2_bikovo-17_home10161_connections_264.rrd --skip-past-updates --template CONNECTIONS 1572942241:U
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/site/rra/extra-2_bikovo-17_home10161_cpu_75.rrd --skip-past-updates --template CPU 1572942241:3
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Parsed MULTI output field 'CPU:3' [map CPU->CPU]
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] SPINE: The Final Value of Threads is 0
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] POLLER: Active Threads is 0, Pending is 0
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: The Value of Active Threads is 0 for Device ID 8
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] HT[1] DEBUG: HOST COMPLETE: About to Exit Device Polling Thread Function
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] HT[1] Total Time: 0.56 Seconds
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] HT[1] DS[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - CPU Usage Percent] Graphs[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - Keenetic CPU Usage Percent] SCRIPT: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/cacti/site/scripts/query_keenetic_memory.php 'extra-2.bikovo-17.home' '10161' 'public' , output: "TOTAL:131072 USAGE:40120 PERCENT:30 CPU:3
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] DEBUG: The NIFTY POPEN returned the following File Descriptor 8
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] HT[1] DS[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - Keenetic - Connections] Graphs[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - Keenetic - Connections] SCRIPT: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/cacti/site/scripts/query_keenetic_connections.php 'extra-2.bikovo-17.home' '10161' 'public' , output: "CONNECTIONS:6
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] DEBUG: The NIFTY POPEN returned the following File Descriptor 8
2019/11/05 11:24:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] HT[1] NOTE: There are '2' Polling Items for this Device
2019/11/05 11:24:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] HT[1] Device has no information for recache.
2019/11/05 11:24:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Updating Full System Information Table
2019/11/05 11:24:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] DEBUG: Entering ICMP Ping
2019/11/05 11:24:01 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/sbin/spine, ARGS: -C /etc/cacti/spine.conf --poller=1 --first=0 --last=0 --mibs]
2019/11/05 11:24:01 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Poller Int: '60', Cron Int: '60', Time Since Last: '60.44', Max Runtime '58', Poller Runs: '1'
2019/11/05 11:23:06 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q /usr/share/cacti/site/poller_automation.php --poller=1 --network=1]
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - SYSTEM STATS: Time:2.4673 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:1 HostsPerProcess:1 DataSources:2 RRDsProcessed:2
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/site/rra/extra-2_bikovo-17_home10161_connections_264.rrd --skip-past-updates --template connections 1572942182:11
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/site/rra/extra-2_bikovo-17_home10161_cpu_75.rrd --skip-past-updates --template CPU 1572942182:3
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Parsed MULTI output field 'CONNECTIONS:11' [map CONNECTIONS->connections]
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Parsed MULTI output field 'CPU:3' [map CPU->CPU]
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Time: 1.3466 s, Poller: , Theads: N/A, Devices: 1
2019/11/05 11:23:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] DS[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - CPU Usage Percent] Graphs[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - Keenetic CPU Usage Percent] CMD: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/cacti/site/scripts/query_keenetic_memory.php 'extra-2.bikovo-17.home' '10161' 'public' , output: TOTAL:131072 USAGE:40120 PERCENT:30 CPU:3
2019/11/05 11:23:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] DS[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - Keenetic - Connections] Graphs[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161 - Keenetic - Connections] CMD: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/cacti/site/scripts/query_keenetic_connections.php 'extra-2.bikovo-17.home' '10161' 'public' , output: CONNECTIONS:11
2019/11/05 11:23:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] STATUS: Device 'extra-2.bikovo-17.home' is UP.
2019/11/05 11:23:02 - PING Device[extra-2.bikovo-17.home:10161] PING: ICMP Ping Success (3.381 ms)
2019/11/05 11:23:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: There are no items in your poller for this polling cycle!