
CBQ + UDP + QUAKE Возвращаясь к вопросу



Ошибка в NetFilter 04.03.02 08:14 Неприятная особенность обнаружилась в ядрах Linux версий 2.4.14 - 2.4.18-pre9. Суть заключается в том, что при обработке "мелких" пакетов (например, IRC), встроенный межсетевой экран (firewall) воспринимает их некорректно и пропускает нежелательный траффик. Источник:

Уж не на эти ли грабли я наступил?

Liudi, kto znaet chto krutit' - podskazite... Uslovija takie: est' setka, est' router pod RedHat 7.2. Kanal ADSL 256/64. Trafik porezan pri pomosji CBQ. Problema v sledujushem: Est' liubitel' pogoniat' v kvak po i-netu. Kak tol'ko on zahodit na udalennyi server, u vsei lokalki srazu nachinaet sil'no tormozit' i-net, prakticheski nichego ne zagruzaetsia. Voprosy: pochemu CBQ ne rezet UDP protokol? TCP trafik rezetsia korrektno. Kak ogranichit' skorost' soedinenija s -net, po protokolu UDP, dlia etogo tovarisha... Zaranee spasibo, pivo po vozmoznosti;)

 All the filtering commands you will normally need

 Most shaping commands presented here start with this preamble: 
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 ..
 These are the so called 'u32' matches, which can match on ANY part of a packet. 

 On source/destination address

 Source mask 'match ip src', destination mask 'match ip dst'. To match a single host, use /32, or omit the mask. 
 On source/destination port, all IP protocols

 Source: 'match ip sport 80 0xffff', 'match ip dport 0xffff' 
 On ip protocol (tcp, udp, icmp, gre, ipsec)

 Use the numbers from /etc/protocols, for example, icmp is 1: 'match ip protocol 1 0xff'. 
 On fwmark

 You can mark packets with either ipchains and have that mark survive routing across interfaces. This is really useful to for example only shape traffic on eth1 that came in on eth0. Syntax: # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 handle 6 fw flowid 1:1 Note that this is not a u32 match! 

 You can place a mark like this: 
# iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -i eth0 -j MARK --set-mark 6
 The number 6 is arbitrary. 

If you don't want to understand the full tc filter syntax, just use iptables, and only learn to select on fwmark. 
 On the TOS field

 To select interactive, minimum delay traffic: 
# tc filter add dev ppp0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 \
      match ip tos 0x10 0xff \
     flowid 1:4
 Use 0x08 0xff for bulk traffic. 

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