Тестирую вот этот код на terraform 1.0
git clone https://git.cloud-team.ru/lections/kubernetes_setup.git
cd terraform
TF_IN_AUTOMATION=1 terraform apply -auto-approve
Вот такая ошибка
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on k8s-cluster.tf line 380, in output "load_balancer_public_ip":
│ 380: value = yandex_lb_network_load_balancer.k8s-load-balancer.listener.*.external_address_spec.0.address
│ Elements of a set are identified only by their value and don't have any separate index or key to select with, so it's only possible to perform operations across all
│ elements of the set.
Как можно поправить эту ошибку?