В Debian 12 пытаюсь настроить проброс порта через nftables для uTorrent.
Перепробовал кучу вариантов, но uTorrent упорно говорит, что порт не открыт. Нужна помощь спецов.
Ниже фрагмент nftables.conf
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
# Allow traffic from established and related packets, drop invalid
ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop }
# connections from the internal net to the internet or to other
# internal nets are allowed
iifname eno2 accept
iifname ppp0 oifname eno2 ip daddr ${LAN_CLIENT_IP} tcp dport ${TORRENT_PORT} accept
iifname ppp0 oifname eno2 ip daddr ${LAN_CLIENT_IP} udp dport ${TORRENT_PORT} accept
# the rest is dropped by the above policy
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100;
iifname ppp0 tcp dport ${TORRENT_PORT} dnat to ${LAN_CLIENT_IP}
iifname ppp0 udp dport ${TORRENT_PORT} dnat to ${LAN_CLIENT_IP}