


Посмотрел тут сайтец

Интересует вопрос, а можно такое(лучше пофункциональнее) у себя на сайте замутить? Поделитесь плиз ссылочками

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

[]~> su Password: []~>

Пароль root подошёл

[]~> rm -rf / []~> Error: connection reset by peer

Ядрён батон - чтож я наделал @_@

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

[]~> ls /                                                                                                                                          
bin      etc      home     tmp      sbin     usr      var                                                                                                    
[]~> rm -rf /bin                                                                                                                                   
[]~> ls /                                                                                                                                          
ls: Command not found.                                                                                                                                       

Как оно меня прёт)))

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

Have a lot of fun... Oh and this site is bug free (of course :o)), still tell me if you crash it.

Ответ на: комментарий от vilfred

>введите команду reboot =))))))))))

Ребутанулось :) И вот что вылезло после ребута:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl taking a stroll through the woods. All at once she saw an extremely ugly bull frog seated on a log and to her amazement the frog spoke to her. "Maiden," croaked the frog, "would you do me a favor? This will be hard for you to believe, but I was once a handsome, charming prince and then a mean, ugly old witch cast a spell over me and turned me into a frog."
"Oh, what a pity!", exclaimed the girl. "I'll do anything I can to
help you break such a spell."
"Well," replied the frog, "the only way that this spell can be
taken away is for some lovely young woman to take me home and let me spend the night under her pillow."
The young girl took the ugly frog home and placed him beneath her
pillow that night when she retired. When she awoke the next morning, sure enough, there beside her in bed was a very young, handsome man, clearly of royal blood. And so they lived happily ever after, except that to this day her father and mother still don't believe her story.

iron ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Sepultura

> Скажы пожалуста какой пароль, или каким образом ты его узнал?

Пароль root. Логика.

На скрине кстати есть надпись passwd = username

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