Есть дибильная комбинация - сервер openSSH под цигвином и клиент - ssh в солярисе. требуется настроить авторизацию по ключам. я генерю на клиенте пару ключей, заливаю публичный на сервер. однако авторизация проходить не хочет:
debug: Remote host key found from database.
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:332: Received SSH_CROSS_STARTUP packet from connection protocol.
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:382: Received SSH_CROSS_ALGORITHMS packet from connection protocol.
debug: server offers auth methods 'publickey,keyboard-interactive'.
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:1794: Starting pubkey auth...
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:1751: Agent is not running.
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:1549: Got 0 keys from the agent.
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:1666: adding keyfile "/vmpuser1/vmp/vmp/devwrk12/.ssh2/id_rsa" to candidates (да, это файл с сгенеренным приватным ключом)
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:1529: Trying 1 key candidates.
debug: server offers auth methods 'publickey,keyboard-interactive'.
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:983: All keys declined by server, disabling method.
да, я тупой. ЧЯДНТ?