Debian Lenny
почему nscd не кэширует?
может в nsswitch.conf что-то особоe надо?
hosts cache:
yes cache is enabled
yes cache is persistent
no cache is shared
211 suggested size
216064 total data pool size
1200 used data pool size
3600 seconds time to live for positive entries
20 seconds time to live for negative entries
0 cache hits on positive entries
0 cache hits on negative entries
148 cache misses on positive entries
11 cache misses on negative entries
0% cache hit rate
10 current number of cached values
63 maximum number of cached values
3 maximum chain length searched
0 number of delays on rdlock
0 number of delays on wrlock
0 memory allocations failed
yes check /etc/hosts for changes

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от af5

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от mky

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от af5

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от mky

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