debian lenny 5.0.9 cups 1.3.8-1 hplip 3.11.10
Обновлял hplip под рутом но он некорректно установился.
Printer Driver: HP LaserJet m1319f MFP, hpcups 3.11.10, requires proprietary plugin
Статус принтера «/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups failed»
sio2:~# cat /var/log/cups/error_log |grep hpcups E [14/Oct/2011:17:24:56 +0400] PID 3696 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups) stopped with status 1! D [14/Oct/2011:17:24:56 +0400] [Job 25434] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 418: m_Job initialization failed with error = 48GPL Ghostscript GPL Ghostscript 8.628.62: : INFO: Processing page 2...
hp-check Checking for dependency: CUPS DDK - CUPS driver development kit... warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL/RUNTIME ONLY dependency. Some HPLIP functionality may not function properly.
PPD Description: HP LaserJet m1319f MFP, hpcups 3.11.10, requires proprietary plugin Printer /usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups failed. Отключен с момента Птн 14 Окт 2011 17:24:57 warning: Printer is not HPLIP installed. Printers must use the hp: or hpfax: CUPS backend to function in HPLIP.
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