[root@localhost ~]# cat /usr/share/webacula/application/config.ini | grep db
db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
db.config.host = localhost
db.config.username = bacula
db.config.password = password
db.config.dbname = bacula
;; for Sqlite db.config.dbname = "/full patch/bacula.db"
[root@localhost ~]# ls -l /usr/sbin/bconsole
-rwxr-x---. 1 root bacula 302024 Sep 24 2011 /usr/sbin/bconsole
[root@localhost ~]# ls -l /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf
-rw-r-----. 1 root bacula 161 Sep 16 04:40 /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf
[root@localhost ~]# mysql -ubacula -ppassword
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 26
Server version: 5.1.61 Source distribution
# ls -la /usr/share/webacula/
total 100
drwxrwxr-x. 9 apache bacula 4096 Sep 16 04:46 .
drwxr-xr-x. 112 root root 4096 Sep 16 04:51 ..
drwxrwxr-x. 8 apache bacula 4096 Sep 18 18:56 application
drwxrwxr-x. 3 apache bacula 4096 Sep 11 2011 data
drwxrwxr-x. 6 apache bacula 4096 Sep 11 2011 docs
drwxrwxr-x. 6 apache bacula 4096 Sep 11 2011 html
drwxrwxr-x. 6 apache bacula 4096 Sep 17 03:18 install
drwxrwxr-x. 10 apache bacula 4096 Sep 11 2011 languages
drwxrwxr-x. 3 apache bacula 4096 Sep 11 2011 library
[root@localhost share]# cat /etc/selinux/config | grep disa
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
Апач работает от имени apache.
Однако при таких настройках зайти в веб-интерфейс не могу, «Имя или пароль неверны», хоть ты тресни..
Иногда люди сталкиваются с такой проблемой, но решения никто не озвучивает. (=
;; supported adapters : PDO_MYSQL, PDO_PGSQL, PDO_SQLITE
db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
db.config.host = localhost
db.config.username = bacula
db.config.password = password
db.config.dbname = bacula
def.timezone = "Europe/MSK"
bacula.sudo = "/usr/bin/sudo"
bacula.bconsole = "/usr/sbin/bconsole"
bacula.bconsolecmd = "-n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf"
fontsize = 10
email.to_admin = root@localhost
email.from = webacula@localhost
feed_title = "My Bacula backup server #1"
feed_desc = "Description feed here"
path = "default"
[root@localhost application]# su bacula
[bacula@localhost application]$ /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/bconsole -n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf
Connecting to Director bacula.city.local:9101
1000 OK: bacula-dir Version: 5.0.0 (26 January 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
# su apache
This account is currently not available.
Я уже залез в БД
mysql -ubacula -ppassword
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 72
Server version: 5.1.61 Source distribution
в общем уперся пока