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$ apt-cache show wwwoffle 
Package: wwwoffle
Priority: optional
Section: web
Description: World Wide Web OFFline Explorer
 The wwwoffled program is a simple proxy server with special features
 for use with dial-up internet links.  This means that it is possible
 to browse web pages and read them without having to remain connected.
 While Online
    - Caching of pages that are viewed for review later.
    - Conditional fetching to only get pages that have changed.
    - Modification of pages e.g. to remove the BLINK tag or popup windows.
 While Offline
    - The ability to follow links and mark other pages for download.
    - Browser or command line interface to select pages for downloading.
    - Optional info on bottom of pages showing cached date and allowing refresh.
    - Works with password protected pages and pages containing forms.
    - Cached pages can be searched with the ht://dig search engine, or with
      namazu or mnogosearch which are similar search engines; however,
      support for other than ht://dig is limited.

sdio ★★★★★
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