Добрый день. Прошу помощи, если кратко, то Nagios+smstools не отправляют смс, просто smstools шлет без проблем.
Имеется Debian6 x64, Nagios 3.2.1, Smstools, модем на базе Siemens MC75.
Нагиос настроен на отправку почтовых оповещений через exim4. Ставлю SMStools, копирую скрипт из шаблона в /ust/local/bin/, даю права на запуск.
/usr/local/bin/sendsms +7920xxxxxxx "this is test..."
Смс приходит.
Определяю команды
define command{
command_name host-notify-by-sms
command_line /usr/local/bin/sendsms $CONTACTADDRESS1$ "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **"
define command{
command_name service-notify-by-sms
command_line /usr/local/bin/sendsms $CONTACTADDRESS1$ "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ : $SERVICEDESC$ for Host:$HOSTNAME$ State: $SERVICESTATE$ ($SERVICEOUTPUT$) **"
Определяю контакт
define contact{
contact_name erm-megafon
alias megafon-notify
service_notification_period 24x7
host_notification_period 24x7
service_notification_options w,u,c,r
host_notification_options d,r
service_notification_commands service-notify-by-sms
host_notification_commands host-notify-by-sms
address1 +7920XXXXXXX
Ставлю в nagios.cfg debug_level=32
Рестартую Nagios и smstools
Кладу на другом сервере веб-сервер.
[1372773636] SERVICE ALERT: TFTP;HTTP;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;Connection refused
[1372773696] SERVICE ALERT: TFTP;HTTP;CRITICAL;SOFT;2;Connection refused
[1372773756] SERVICE ALERT: TFTP;HTTP;CRITICAL;SOFT;3;Connection refused
[1372773816] SERVICE ALERT: TFTP;HTTP;CRITICAL;HARD;4;Connection refused
[1372773816] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: erm-mail;TFTP;HTTP;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-email;Connection refused
[1372773826] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: erm-megafon;TFTP;HTTP;CRITICAL;service-notify-by-sms;Connection refused
Почта пришла, смс нет.
Смотрим nagios.debug
[1372773816.025082] [032.0] [pid=5742] ** Service Notification Attempt ** Host: 'TFTP', Service: 'HTTP', Type: 0, Options: 0, Current State: 2, Last Notification: Thu Jan 1 03:00:00 1970
[1372773816.025147] [032.0] [pid=5742] Notification viability test passed.
[1372773816.025156] [032.1] [pid=5742] Current notification number: 1 (incremented)
[1372773816.025165] [032.2] [pid=5742] Creating list of contacts to be notified.
[1372773816.025173] [032.1] [pid=5742] Service notification will NOT be escalated.
[1372773816.025180] [032.1] [pid=5742] Adding normal contacts for service to notification list.
[1372773816.025185] [032.2] [pid=5742] Adding members of contact group 'admins' for service to notification list.
[1372773816.025191] [032.2] [pid=5742] Adding contact 'erm-megafon' to notification list.
[1372773816.025196] [032.2] [pid=5742] Adding contact 'erm-mail' to notification list.
[1372773816.025211] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Attempting to notifying contact 'erm-mail'...
[1372773816.025219] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Checking service notification viability for contact 'erm-mail'...
[1372773816.025240] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Service notification viability for contact 'erm-mail' PASSED.
[1372773816.025247] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Notifying contact 'erm-mail'
[1372773816.025259] [032.2] [pid=5742] Raw notification command: /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: $HOSTALIAS$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $SERVICESTAT$
[1372773816.025300] [032.2] [pid=5742] Processed notification command: /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: PROBLEM\n\nService: HTTP\nHost: Config Backup Server\nAddress:\nState: CRITICAL\n\nDate$
[1372773826.370226] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Attempting to notifying contact 'erm-megafon'...
[1372773826.370249] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Checking service notification viability for contact 'erm-megafon'...
[1372773826.370287] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Service notification viability for contact 'erm-megafon' PASSED.
[1372773826.370295] [032.2] [pid=5742] ** Notifying contact 'erm-megafon'
>>>>>[1372773826.370309] [032.2] [pid=5742] Raw notification command: /usr/local/bin/sendsms $CONTACTADDRESS1$ "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ : $SERVICEDESC$ for Host:$HOSTNAME$ State: $SERVICESTATE$ ($SERVICEOUTPUT$) **"
>>>>>[1372773826.370342] [032.2] [pid=5742] Processed notification command: /usr/local/bin/sendsms +7920XXXXXXX "** PROBLEM : HTTP for Host:TFTP State: CRITICAL (Connection refused) **"
[1372773826.394869] [032.2] [pid=5742] Calculating next valid notification time...
[1372773826.394887] [032.2] [pid=5742] Default interval: 0.000000
[1372773826.394901] [032.2] [pid=5742] Interval used for calculating next valid notification time: 0.000000
[1372773826.394929] [032.0] [pid=5742] 2 contacts were notified. Next possible notification time: Tue Jul 2 18:03:36 2013
>>>>>[1372773826.394939] [032.0] [pid=5742] 2 contacts were notified.
Смотрим sms.log
2013-07-02 18:19:51,5, GSM1: Waiting for messages to send...
Куда копать не знаю... При отправке СМС руками, скрипт создает соответствующий файлик в папке .../outgoing/. Когда скрипт запускает Nagios, файлика не создается.