Не может открыть некоторые файлы форматов mp4, aac, может еще каких - выдает ошибку - код 1.
/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 2 -identify -slave -vo xv, -ao pulse -nokeepaspect -framedrop -nodr -double -input nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null -stop-xscreensaver -wid 65011751 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -noass -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp enca:ru:UTF-8 -subpos 100 -volume 100 -cache 2048 -ss 186 -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -noslices -channels 2 -af scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 110 /home/votafak/Музыка/Sirenia - At Sixes And Sevens (full album , 2001).aac
MPlayer2 2.0-701-gd4c5b7f-2ubuntu2 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
Terminal type `unknown' is not defined.
Playing /home/votafak/Музыка/Sirenia - At Sixes And Sevens (full album , 2001).aac.
Cache size set to 2048 KiB
Cache fill: 0.00% (0 bytes)
Detected file format: QuickTime / MOV (libavformat)
MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: demux_open
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.
Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and
disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and
won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.
а в htop'е остается процесс
/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 2 -identify -slave -vo xv, -ao pulse -nokeepaspect -framedrop -nodr -double -input nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null -stop-xscreensaver -wid 65011751 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -noass -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp enca:ru:UTF-8 -subpos 100 -volume 100 -cache 2048 -ss 186 -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -noslices -channels 2 -af scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 110 /home/votafak/Музыка/Sirenia - At Sixes And Sevens (full album , 2001).aac
Была версия SMPlayer 0.8.6, я ее удалил, установил с сайта версию 14.9.0 - проблема осталась. Что делать?