Апплет принтера можно вызвать по команде
kcmshell5 kcm_printer_manager
Однако он не отображается в System Settings как раньше. Вот дополнительные сведения.
$ kcmshell5 --list
The following modules are available:
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/user/.cache/ksycoca5"
cache - Configure web cache settings
cookies - Configure the way cookies work
filetypes - Configure file associations
kcm_activities - Configure the activities system
kcm_cron - Configure and schedule tasks
kcm_kaccounts - Configure your internet accounts such as Google, Live, Owncloud
kcm_printer_manager - Configure your printers
kcm_ssl - SSL Versions and Certificates
kcmtrash - Configure trash settings
netpref - Configure generic network preferences, like timeout values
proxy - Configure the proxy servers used
smb - Use to configure which windows (SMB) filesystems you can browse
useragent - Configure the way Konqueror reports itself
webshortcuts - Configure web shortcuts
Archwiki говорит что
KDE KDE users can modify their printers from the Control Center. The kdeutils-print-manager[broken link: replaced by print-manager] package may need be installed if the Printers interface is not found in the Hardware group. KDE users should refer to the desktop environments' documentation for more information on how to use the interface.
Так вот: этот пакет установлен. Но толку нет.
$ pacman -Qs print-manager
local/print-manager 15.04.0-1 (kde-applications kdeutils)
A tool for managing print jobs and printers
Как заставить апплет принтера отображаться в System Settings?