neko@takinolap : ~/iso
[2] % pcc
zsh: pcc: command not found...
Install package 'pcc' to provide command 'pcc'? [N/y] y
* Waiting in queue...
* Loading list of packages....
* Waiting in queue...
* Waiting for authentication...
* Waiting in queue...
* Downloading packages...
* Requesting data...
* Testing changes...
* Installing packages...
error: no input files
neko@takinolap : ~/iso
[0] % which pcc
neko@takinolap : ~/iso
[0] % dnf info pcc
Last metadata expiration check performed 4 days, 13:05:12 ago on Mon Jan 18 19:29:40 2016.
Installed Packages
Name : pcc
Arch : x86_64
Epoch : 0
Version : 1.1.0
Release : 1.0.20141210cvs.fc23.1
Size : 938 k
Repo : @System
From repo : fedora
Summary : The Portable C Compiler
License : BSD with advertising and BSD and ISC
Description : The compiler is based on the original Portable C Compiler by Stephen
: C. Johnson, written in the late 70's. Even though much of the
: compiler has been rewritten, some of the basics still remain.
: PCC debuted in Unix Version 7 and replaced the DMR compiler (Dennis
: Ritchie's original C compiler) in both System V and the BSD 4.x
: releases. Some history about pcc is in the A History of UNIX before
: Berkeley: UNIX Evolution: 1975-1984 and in the Evolution of C.
: About 50% of the front-end code and 80% of the back-end code has been
: rewritten. Most stuff is written by Anders Magnusson, with the
: exception of the data-flow analysis part and the SSA conversion code
: which is written by Peter A. Jonsson, and the Mips port that were
: written as part of a project by undergraduate students at Luleå
: University of Technology (LTU).
Не понял. Каким образом оно поставило пакет, не спросив ни пароля рута, ни пароля от sudo? Что за магия?
pcc взят как первая пришедшая в голову команда. пакет ставится из репы, что видно по выводу dnf info. Конфиг почти дефолтный, из плагинов включено только git, из прочих изменений - минорные изменения в PS1 и усе.