[unforgiven | /home/unforgiven : 19:54:18] $ sudo slapt-get --search math gnuplot-4.0.0-i486-1 [inst=да]: gnuplot (plotting utility) ksh93-20030724-i486-1 [inst=нет]: ksh (AT&T Korn Shell 93) latex_xft_fonts-0.1-noarch-1rsa [inst=нет]: LaTeX Xft Fonts (Xft-compatible versions of some LaTeX fonts) gsl-1.7-i486-1rsa [inst=нет]: gsl (GNU Scientific Library) mathomatic-12.5.0-i486-1arf [inst=нет]: mathomatic-12.5.0 Algebraic Manipulator nvu-1.0-i486-2bou [inst=нет]: nvu (Web Authoring System) root-tail-1.2-i486-1bou [inst=нет]: root-tail plib-1.8.4-i486-1kjz [inst=нет]: PLIB - A Suite of Portable Game Libraries latex_xft_fonts-0.1-noarch-1rsa [inst=нет]: LaTeX Xft Fonts (Xft-compatible versions of some LaTeX fonts) gsl-1.7-i486-1rsa [inst=нет]: gsl (GNU Scientific Library) mathomatic-12.5.0-i486-1arf [inst=нет]: mathomatic-12.5.0 Algebraic Manipulator nvu-1.0-i486-2bou [inst=нет]: nvu (Web Authoring System) root-tail-1.2-i486-1bou [inst=нет]: root-tail plib-1.8.4-i486-1kjz [inst=нет]: PLIB - A Suite of Portable Game Libraries Как говорится, "шозанах"??? Откуда берется вся эта бадяга?
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