opera 9.5 и самодельные ssl сертификаты



Не работает сабж.
Опера при попытке импорта пишет:
The key of the certificate was encrypted using an unsupported method, possibly one that is not considered strong enough.

Сертификат (p12) cгенерированный нашим админом. Он работает под firefox, ie6 (wine).

Как лечить? (проблемы начались с 9.5, до этого всё работало).

Нашел ответ:

Make sure the entire pkcs #12 file is also exported using 3des, we have seen some indications that they are by default RC2-40 encrypted (and know that is the case with OpenSSL). That method is no longer supported.

In OpenSSL you must use the "-descert"-argument

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