>>> Emerging (4 of 26) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-290.10
>>> Failed to emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-290.10, Log file:
>>> '/var/log/portage/x11-drivers:nvidia-drivers-290.10:20120304-092731.log'
>>> Jobs: 3 of 26 complete, 1 failed Load avg: 0.35, 0.34, 0.28
* Package: x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-290.10
* Repository: gentoo
* Maintainer: cardoe@gentoo.org jer@gentoo.org,spock@gentoo.org,xarthisius@gentoo.org
* USE: amd64 elibc_glibc gtk kernel_linux multilib userland_GNU
* FEATURES: sandbox
* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
* /usr/src/linux
* Could not find a Makefile in the kernel source directory.
* Please ensure that /usr/src/linux points to a complete set of Linux sources
* Unable to calculate Linux Kernel version for build, attempting to use running version
* These sources have not yet been prepared.
* We cannot build against an unprepared tree.
* To resolve this, please type the following:
* # cd /usr/src/linux
* # make oldconfig
* # make modules_prepare
* Then please try merging this module again.
* ERROR: x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-290.10 failed (setup phase):
* Kernel sources need compiling first
1) Зачем драйверам нвидии makefile для сорцов ведра?
2) Что я мог сделать не так, что он вдруг пропал?
3) Где его взять теперь?