Имеется модуль, представляющий собой файервол на базе netfiltra. Проблемма представляет собой зависание системы, как я пологаю из-за сегфолта в модуле. Приведу для начала тот код что имеет отношение к проблемме: /************************************netfw-bace.h******************************* *************/ ... struct netfw_chains_table; //struct of table struct netfw_table{ struct netfw_table *prev; struct netfw_table *next; char *name; int id; int policy; int (* set_rule)(int action, struct netfw_chains_table *new); int (* ud_set_rule)(char *table, int action, int id, char *par, char *arg, int num_par); }; //struct of module struct netfw_module{ struct netfw_module *prev; struct netfw_module *next; char *name; int id; char *match; int (* check)(int action, char *table_name, int id, char *arg, struct sk_buff **skb); }; //struct of rule chain struct netfw_rules_chain{ struct netfw_rules_chain *prev; struct netfw_rules_chain *next; int it; struct netfw_module *m; int (* check)(int action, char *table_name, int id, char *arg, struct sk_buff **skb); }; //struct of chain table struct netfw_chains_table{ struct netfw_chains_table *prev; struct netfw_chains_table *next; char *table; int num_rules; struct netfw_rules_chain *list; }; ... /******************************************************************************* *****************/ /************************************netfw-bace.c******************************* *************/ #include "netfw-bace.h" ... void fill(struct netfw_module *m, char *table, int id, char *arg) { ... } int netfw_add_rule(char *table, int id, int it, char *par[], char *arg[], int num) { struct netfw_table *t = netfw_get_table_by_name(table); if(!t) return NETFW_ERR_NO_SUCH_TABLE; struct netfw_rules_chain *chain_cach = kmalloc(sizeof(struct netfw_rules_chain),GFP_DMA); if(!chain_cach) return -1; chain_cach->next = chain_cach->prev = chain_cach; struct netfw_module *m; struct netfw_chains_table *ct = kmalloc(sizeof(struct netfw_chains_table),GFP_DMA); if(!ct) return -1; ct->next = ct->prev = ct; int k; for(k = 0; k <= num - 1; k++) { m = netfw_get_module_by_name(par[k]); if(m) { fill(m,table,netfw_num_rules,arg[k]); struct netfw_rules_chain *new = kmalloc(sizeof(struct netfw_rules_chain),GFP_DMA); if(!new) return -1; new->it = it; new->m = m; new->check = m->check; struct netfw_rules_chain *next = chain_cach->next; struct netfw_rules_chain *prev = chain_cach; next->prev = new; new->next = next; new->prev = prev; prev->next = new; } } ct->table = table; ct->list = chain_cach; ct->num_rules = num; t->set_rule(NETFW_ADD_RULE,ct); netfw_num_rules++; return 0; } void netfw_add_chains_table(struct netfw_chains_table *new, struct netfw_chains_table *old,int first) { if(first) { old->table = new->table; old->num_rules = new->num_rules; old->list = new->list; } else { struct netfw_chains_table *next = old->next; struct netfw_chains_table *prev = old; next->prev = new; new->next = next; new->prev = prev; prev->next = new; } printk("Table name in add_chains old->table: "); printk(old->table); printk("\n"); } ... int netfw_check_rules(struct netfw_chains_table *chains_table, struct sk_buff **skb) { printk("packet check was start\n"); table = chains_table; int k,i,mach,it; it = 0; for(k = 0; k < netfw_num_rules; k++) { printk("change rule chain\n"); mach = 0; chain = table->list; mod = chain->next; int b = 0; int tb = 0; for(i = 0; i < table->num_rules; i++) { if(b) { printk("block is set\n"); mod->check(NETFW_CHK_RULE, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { printk("block not set\n"); printk("Table name table->table: "); printk(table->table); printk("\n"); tb = mod->check(NETFW_CHK_RULE, table->table, 0, 0, skb); if(!tb) { printk("missed chain block have been set\n"); b = 1; } else { if(tb == 1) { printk("was match\n"); mach++; } if(tb == 2) { printk("wrong table\n"); // i--; } } if(!mod->next) return 0; mod = mod->next; } } if(mach == table->num_rules) { printk("check was finish with set\n"); it = chain->it; if(it == NETFW_ACCEPT) { printk("packet was pass\n"); return 1; } if(it == NETFW_DROP) { printk("packet was drop\n"); return 0; } } if(!table->next) return 0; table = table->next; } printk("check was finish with default\n"); return 1; } ... ssize_t netfw_write (struct file *f, const char *ch, size_t size, loff_t *loff) { if(num > 0)if(n < num*2) { if(par_accept) { par[n_par] = kmalloc(sizeof(char[strlen(ch)]),GFP_DMA); par[n_par] = ch; par_accept = 0; n_par++; } else { arg[n_arg] = kmalloc(sizeof(char[strlen(ch)]),GFP_DMA); arg[n_arg] = ch; par_accept = 1; n_arg++; } n++; } if(!strcmp(ch,"$")) { step = -1; n = n_par = n_arg = 0; if(act > 0) { switch(act) { case NETFW_ADD_RULE: netfw_add_rule(to_table,0,it,par,arg,num); break; case NETFW_DEL_RULE: break; } } num = 0; } step++; switch(step) { //Action case 1: if(!strcmp(ch,"add")) { act = NETFW_ADD_RULE; } if(!strcmp(ch,"del")) { act = NETFW_DEL_RULE; } break; //Table name case 2: to_table = ch; <----- вот здесь она и записывается break; //What to do ( aka "it" ) case 3: if(!strcmp(ch,"accept")) { it = NETFW_ACCEPT; } if(!strcmp(ch,"drop")) { it = NETFW_DROP; } break; //Num of elements case 4: num = netfw_char_to_int(ch); kfree(par); kfree(arg); par = kmalloc(sizeof(char[num]),GFP_DMA); arg = kmalloc(sizeof(char[num]),GFP_DMA); par_accept = 1; break; } return 0; } ... /******************************************************************************* *****************/

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